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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Some days after the Quidditch World Cup Incident, the Quartet was ready to start their 4th year at Hogwarts.

They were currently on the Hogwarts Express. Harry and Ron were chatting, while Hermione and Y/N were reading.

Hermione stopped reading and slowly looked at Y/N.

She frowned.

Hermione: You look troubled, Y/N? Is everything ok?
She asked.

Y/N looked at her.
Y/N: Yeah, everything's fine.
He muttered.

She looked at Harry and Ron, before looking back at Y/N.

Hermione: Have you perfectioned your spell?
She asked in a whisper.

Y/N looked at her, nodding.
Y/N: Uh... Actually... I created another one.
He muttered.

Her eyes widened.
Hermione: You practiced magic?! That's illegal, Y/N, you could've been caught and-
She suddenly said, startling Ron and Harry.

Y/N immediately cut her off.
Y/N: Hermione, calm down. Fred and George helped me.
He said nonchalantly.

Ron: Stop yelling like that, Hermione.
He said, sighing, before starting to talk with Harry again.

Y/N took out a piece of parchment, and gave it to her.

Y/N: Here, I wrote it down.
He said.

Hermione took it and read it a few times, before handing it back to him.

Hermione: Interitus Maxima... It doesn't seem that difficult of a spell, does it?
She said.

Y/N scoffed.
Y/N: You don't say? It took me the whole summer, Hermione. It's difficult, because you need total concentration and control over your emotions. If you loosen your concentration even a little, you might end up getting hurt. Like it happened to me last year.
He said.

She looked at him.
Hermione: You got hurt?
She asked.

He nodded.
Y/N: Yeah, but it's no big deal. It wasn't as powerful as I hoped it to be, and it healed in 3 days. But since then, I've been thinking... I want to create a spell that can heal... Or even just bring back to normal something broken.
He said, looking deep in thought.

She looked at him, raising a brow.
Hermione: Have you tried using Reparo?
She asked.

He nodded.
Y/N: Yeah. But I don't know why it doesn't work. I tried 4 times on that damn quill, but it didn't go back to normal. I think I need... Something more... Powerful?
He muttered.

But before Hermione could complain, the compartment's door opened.

Draco Malfoy came in, followed by Crabbe and Goyle.

He smirked.

Malfoy: Well, Well, look what we've got here!
He said.

They all looked at him.
Y/N: Could you please leave?
He said, not even bothering to blink.

Malfoy and the other two laughed at him.

Y/N's eyes narrowed.
Harry and Ron immediately grabbed his arms, trying to hold him still.

However Y/N roughly pushed them away, getting up.

He stood in front of Malfoy.

Y/N: Do you find it funny? Do you even dare laugh at me? After all I've done for you? After I almost lost and arm for you?!
He said in a cold but menacing tone.

Malfoy stopped laughing.
And then, a cracking sound echoed through the room.

Y/N had punched Malfoy.
533 words.

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