•The Third Task•

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[Thought ]
[Spell ]
Some months passed by, since that quite eventful night.

Not much had happened during these months, but there was a positive note to it.

Now, everyone had finally got bored of bothering Y/N, and so, he was finally able to live a normal life at the castle without risking to find himself locked up somewhere.

But now, it was finally time.
The Third Task was just a few hours away.

It would've took place that very night at the Quidditch Pitch, and Y/N was a little bit anxious. But he tried his best to stay positive.

Y/N: Come on, Y/N. After tonight, this hell of a Tournament will be finally over!
He thought, as he entered the Great Hall.

Then, he almost passed out, after seeing Lupin wave at him.

Y/N: Remus!
He said, running towards him.

Lupin hugged him tightly, chuckling.
Lupin: Hi, Y/N. It sure has been a while.
He said, smiling.

Y/N: What are you doing here?
He asked.

Lupin: Well, today the Champions can meet with their families, so I came.
He said.

Y/N looked around, just to see that Fleur, Krum and Cedric too were together with their families.

Y/N: I see.
He said, sitting down.

Lupin: I never menaged to talk to you in the previous Tasks, but you really amazed me. You know, not many Fourth Years can cut off a Dragon's head using a sword.
Hs said.

Y/N blushed a little in embarrassment.
Y/N: Anyway... I menaged to complete three more spells, this year.
He said, making sure no one except Lupin was listening.

Lupin: Nothing Illegal, I hope?
He asked, chuckling.

Y/N: Nah... I think. We'll take care of that part later.
He said nonchalantly.

Lupin chuckled.
Lupin: No spoilers, then.
He said.

That evening, everyone gathered at the Quidditch Pitch.

For the third time, the whole school was there, but now that Y/N knew that Lupin was sitting there, watching him, made him feel safer and relieved.

Then, he and Cedric got in the Labyrinth.

Y/N turned around to look at the entrance, that was slowly closing.

And then, everything was silent.

The only thing he could hear were his own footsteps.

His main goal was to reach the Triwizard Cup in the center of the Labyrinth, so he kept on walking.

Needless to say, he got the wrong path many times.

After getting the wrong path for the tenth time, he pointed his wand towards the wall in front of him.

Y/N: Interitus!
He said, setting it on fire, and opening a breach big enough for him to pass through it.

In that exact moment, a scream echoed through that silence, making Y/N's skin curl.

Y/N: Fleur...
He thought, as he started to run in the direction of the voice.

He found her not too much later, laying against one of the walls, unconscious.

Y/N pointed his wand towards the sky.
Y/N: Periculum!
He said, as red Sparks shot up in the air, signaling their position.

Then, he left, and kept on walking.

After turning a corner, he saw Krum pointing his wand towards Cedric.

He shouted.

Krum turned around.

Y/N looked at his eyes, that seemed to be somehow clouded.

Y/N: He's not acting on his own free will... Someone used the Imperius Curse on him...
He thought.

Before Krum could cast any spell, Y/N pointed his wand towards him.

Y/N: Stupefy!
He shouted, as a flash of red light hit him straight in the chest, making him flay onto a wall, knocking him out.
630 words.

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