42 19 4

Monday 16th September

Dear Diary,

We started classes today, I was really praying that Feyi would be in my class, but I guess I didn't pray enough, I was in Jss1D while she was in Jss1F, It was adjacent to my class so she wasn't too far from me but I still felt lonely,

It felt like everybody in my class already knew each and I was was the odd one and to make matters worse, Jessica was in my class,

We were supposed to pick our seats as we entered the class but she was the last one to come in and she still got the seat she wanted; the corner seat, she made the boy sitting there to stand up and go sit elsewhere, the only available seat was the one close to the window that was near the toilet, he wasn't happy about it but I guess he got scared when she mentioned Senior Joel, who wouldn't be scared of the head boy,

My seat was directly in front of Jessica's and I could tell that she wasn't too happy about that but I couldn’t care less, she wasn't going to make me move, I wasn't scared of her or her brother.

There was one thing that made me happy, and that was the fact that Henry was in my class, he sat in front seat of the row beside me and when he saw me this morning he smiled at me, it's nice to see a familiar face, he doesn't talk much though, all he does is smile and face his front.

There wasn't much to do in class today, my class teacher introduced herself,her name is Mrs Johnson,  she looked very strict, she didn't wear earrings, her hair was made with Rubber and her skirt was very long. She reminded of the women my brother described as "Born Again Mummies",

After her introduction, she asked who wanted to be class captain and assistant
"Me,Me, Me" this was chorused by almost everyone in the class apart from Me, Henry and the boy that Jessica moved from his seat, his name is Emmanuel.

I wasn't interested in being class captain because I wanted to be as quiet and invisible as possible, thankfully Mrs Johnson didn't even look at me, she picked Henry as the class captain, she said he looked responsible, I completely agree with her on that,

When she wanted to pick the Assistant, she walked up towards where I sat, I prayed that she wouldn't pick me and thankfully my prayer worked this time, she picked Jessica because she, according to my teacher looked like someone that could be like an elder sister to the class and would assist Henry well

That was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard, she didn't look like anybody's elder sister and even if she did, she was probably the kind of elder sister that bullied her younger ones,
I didn't know whether to be thankful that i wasn’t chosen to be the assistant or to be angry that Jessica was chosen

When she appointed them, she gave them the class captain badge, then  she distributed their textbooks and notebooks with their help, Henry shared the textbooks while Jessica threw the notebooks at us, if she wasn't happy with what doing, she should have said so instead of taking out her displeasure on us.

After the books, we got our snacks ticket, it was a total of 2000 naira in ticket form, they are valid only at out tuck shop and fruit stands.

During break time, Feyi came to my class, she wanted to show me her class captain badge, I was happy for her, she seemed to really like her classmates, one of the three musketeers; Daniel, was her assistant class captain.

She wasn't going to get snacks from the tuck shop because Senior Funmi bought snacks for her to share with me, she also asked Feyi to bring both our snack tickets so she could keep them for us, she didn’t want us to be wasteful, it felt nice to have a senior looking out for me, Feyi said her sister was like my school mother.

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