18 10 1

Monday 3rd February

Dear diary,

I hate humans,

After Saturday’s events, I had no one to tell what had happened to me. I no longer have a best friend and I don’t trust anyone else so I kept it to myself hoping that it wouldn’t end up being an issue

I assumed that it was going to die down because Love wouldn’t want people to find out what she did

But apparently she had other plans

During today’s assembly, we passed by each other to get to our respective seats and she visibly avoided me like she was scared of me or something

I was the one that was practically harassed so why was she acting like that

It was so obvious to others, Jelo even had to ask if everything was alright

Thinking back to that moment, I should have told her what happened
At least someone would have heard my side of the story

During break, I didn’t feel hungry so I stayed in class when most of my classmates went to get snacks

I noticed that a lot of people kept coming to take a peek at my class through the window. I tried to ignore them but it was hard to when they kept making so much noise

I stood up to go and ask what the issue was
As I stepped our of my class, a lot of people gathered around me, I even heard some of them talking
“So that’s why she avoided her this morning”
“Very disgusting character”
“Why do they admit people like this into our school”
“The school probably doesn’t know”
“Should we report it?”
“I don’t know for you ohh”
I was confused. They were all talking about me but no one was talking to me or telling me what I did wrong

The siren to signal the end of break time rang so everyone had to go back to their classes
For the rest of the school day, I felt sick to my stomach
I was nauseated and also had the feeling that something bad was about to happen

After class, I was headed towards the dining hall with Jelo when someone approached us
If I remembered correctly, she is Jessica’s friend; Amanda
She was with Feyi, Jessica and Love and she had a very fake smile on as she came closer
“Dabira, I heard your gist ohh”
“My gist?”
“Yes, I heard that this boy in red house asked you out”

First of all, I don’t think I have ever spoken to any boy in red house before
Secondly, someone asking me out? That’s very unlikely
“I don’t know where you heard that from but it’s not true”
“Of course it’s not true, no one would want to ask a disgusting, harassing lesbian out”
I didn’t even get to complete what I was saying. I received a very hot slap from Amanda

“Why did you do that?” Jelo shouted at her, she held my shoulder because I staggered from the slap
“Why are you defending her”
“Maybe she’s her lesbian partner” Feyi mocked
“Feyi don’t tell me you actually believe this nonsense that Love cooked up?”
I knew we were no longer friends but she should know that I would never do this
“Why won’t I believe her, she won’t make up a fake story about you”

I was about to respond when we heard the warning siren for lunchtime so we had to run into the dining hall
Tears ran down my face as I hurried into the dining hall

The moment I got to hostel, someone came to tell me that a red house senior was looking for me
I found out that she’s Love’s dorm head

As soon as I entered the dorm, she told me to kneel down and raise my hands
“So you’re the lesbian?”
“I’m not a lesbian” I tried to defend myself
“Who asked you to talk?”
“I was only trying to…”
That earned me a slap
“I said you shouldn’t talk, don’t infect the rest of my dorm mates with your nasty behavior”
Okay that made no sense
“You harassed my innocent dorm mate, what kind of devil is inside you?”
I wasn’t allowed to speak so I couldn’t defend myself
“You even tried to remove her gown”
That never happened, what did Love tell everyone?
“And you scratched and injured her when she didn’t agree to what you suggested”
She turned to call Love, I didn’t even notice she was there all this time
“Show her your hand”
She showed me her hand I saw that there were actually injuries, like someone had scratched her
It wasn’t me and I want to believe that she wasn’t crazy enough to think about injuring herself just so everyone would believe her lies
“You can’t say anything now right?”
“I didn’t injure her” I moved closer to Love to hold her hand “Tell the truth, you know I didn’t injure you”
“Why are you still lying?” She looked like she was about to cry
Crocodile tears
“I’m not lying, you’re the one making up stories and spreading lies about me”
She slapped me
She freaking slapped me, that was my third slap in less than 3 hours

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