28 13 2

Saturday 26th October

Dear Diary...

It has been a week and I haven't heard anything from Devil sister number one, Senior Amarachi,

Senior Daniella has also been calm and that makes me even more nervous because it seems like they're planning something big, I feel like I'm the main character in a movie or book and I know that the villian or antagonist is planning something evil against me but I don't know what it is and there's nothing I can do to stop it,

We had our weekly inspection this morning and I entered my dorm late because I was the last person to use the rake assigned to those of us that were working in a particular area, everybody brought a rake so I'm sure we have plenty to go around but for some unknown reason we have to share one,

Anyway, I came in late with my slippers having sand under them and I mistakenly stepped on the floor that senior Daniella mopped with those dirty slippers but she just mopped it again, she didn't even say a word to me, that was scary, I would have preferred it if she shouted at me,

Everybody in the dorm was expecting her to scream at me and they didn’t hide the shock on their faces when she didn't even say a word to me,
"Daniella are you feeling okay?" Senior Abigail asked, she too was shocked by senior Daniella's calm reaction
"I'm fine, why?" She was smiling, that was definitely not normal
"You didn't even say anything when Dabira with her dirty slippers and you had to mop that area again"
"She was in a rush, I understand her" she was still smiling
She understood me?
Now I'm sure that there's something going on,

Senior Abigail didn't even know what to say to that so she just put an end to the conversation,

We heard the siren  informing us of the presence of the inspectors in the hostel
"Hope everybody is set, the inspectors are already in the hostel" Senior Uju shouted from the corridor,
We all rushed to check if our dorm was ready to be inspected, just as we were done, they entered into the dorm and we all chorused
"Good morning Sirs and Ma, you are welcome to Blue house block 2 dorm 4"

I was right, the silence from senior Amarachi was like the calm before a storm,

After breakfast today, we had sport time and while we were on the field, someone came to tell me that one senior was looking for me
"She's in the school auditorium, she's wearing a plain black shirt and sport shorts"
I guessed it was Senior Amarachi and I was right, she was seated at the back of the hall with a senior boy, he looked familiar, like one of the prefects,

"Why did you take so much time to get here?"
I didn't waste any time, she just wanted to complain about something but I was not going to argue about that
"I'm sorry Senior" I didn’t look her in the face, she really scared me
"This is why I don't like you" she stood up from where she was seated and came to stand directly in front of me
"I'm sorry senior"
"You're so annoying" she poked my head with her finger
"I'm sorry senior" there was nothing else to say so I just kept repeating the same thing,
"You're trying to be funny right?"
"No I was.."
"Oh shut up, you know what you're doing" she poked me with her finger again

"Amarachi calm down, people can see you" the guy she was with advised,
"Fine, but Dabi dear, don't let me get to the hostel before you, If I do I promise that you'll regret being in this school"
I hated the fact that she called me "Dabi dear", it was supposed to be a sweet nickname that my aunt gave me but now she made me hate it, but as much as I hated that she called me by that nickname I replied in the only way I could,
"Yes Senior"
"Now get out of here"
I ran very fast, I was eager to escape her even if I was still going to face her when i got back to the hostel.

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