24 12 1

Monday 4th November

Dear diary,

After Saturday's events, Mummy K moved Honour to a new dorm, one that is adjacent to my dorm so I don't have to share a bathroom, courtyard or anything with her,

That was probably for the best, although I wished she would've actually talked to me about feeling left out instead of teaming up with Hannah to steal my clothes.

Anyway, something disgusting happened to me in the middle of the night

I was enjoying the few hours of sleep I had left we had to get up for devotion when I suddenly felt something wet on my face,
I thought I was still dreaming and so I ignored it the first three times, but when it dropped the fourth time, I opened my eyes and when I saw what had been dripping on me, I almost passed out,

It was dripping directly from senior Daniella’s bed and when I paid attention to the smell, I realized that it was pee

Senior Daniella always sleeps in the opposite direction from me,
She said she doesn’t want to put her head in the same position I put mine,
So if I put my head in a particular position she puts her feet there, laying her head in the opposite direction

I had no idea that senior Daniella had a bedwetting issue
During our orientation, they told people that had that issue to make use of the Mackintosh mattresses, so I assumed that people without them were free from that it.

I practically shrieked when I realized what had been dripping on my face the whole time,

The sound I made woke half the dorm up

“What happened?” Senior Abigail asked, she was obviously annoyed that I woke her up at this time,
“I was sleeping when I felt something wet drop on my face and when I opened my eyes, I realized that it was pee and it came from Senior Daniella’s bed”
She turned her attention to Senior Daniella
“Daniella what happened?”
“I don’t know, it just happened”
“It just happened?”
“I think I drank a lot of water before going to bed”
Senior Abigail didn’t look like she was interested in the explanation,
She just asked Senior Daniella to carry her bed out and she gave her a duvet to spread on the floor so she could have somewhere to sleep

I went to wash my face and then I had to remove my mosquito net, and without my mosquito net, I was exposed to mosquito bites throughout the night.

When it was finally time to wake up for devotion, Senior Daniella acted like nothing happened, no apology, nothing,
The rest of the morning just went by like nothing happened, you wouldn’t guess that anything happened last night, well except if you look at the space where Senior Daniella’s bed was supposed to be.

During my classes I had a very bad headache but I tried to ignore it,
But by break time the headache had worsened and I was feeling feverish,
Feyi and Jelo had to support me to the health center,

When I got there, the nurse said my symptoms were similar to that of malaria,
“what about your mosquito net?” the nurse asked as she was getting the injection that I was supposed to take
“My bunkmate wet her bed last night and it dripped on my mosquito net so I had to remove it”
“What class is she in?”
“She’s in Jss2”
“She should be making use of a Mackintosh mattress”
I wasn’t sure how to respond to that so I just nodded my head
“What’s her name?”
“Daniella Ekezie”
“Blue house right?” she probably checked my house from my personal information form
“Yes ma”
She just nodded and then continued what she was doing,
She gave me a shot of the injection and placed me on malaria medication that I’m supposed to take in the morning and evening for the next three days,
I rested at the health center till it was time for lunch,

Feyi and Jelo came to take me to the dining but I didn’t have much of an appetite, everything tasted bitter and to worsen it, they served us Eba and Vegetable soup, the worst combo ever,

Feyi didn’t care about the fact that I didn’t have an appetite, when I was being stubborn about eating, she went to report me to Senior Funmi. She’s the food prefect so she had the authority to keep in the dining hall till I finished my food,
I cried but that didn’t move her, she made Feyi sit beside me to make sure I at least ate up to half of the food,
I finally ate up to half after much difficulty, I wanted to be angry with Feyi but I couldn’t because she was looking out for me, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying
“You can frown at me all you I did it for your own good”
I kept on sulking
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, I slept off when I got to hostel, Feyi helped with my washing and Senior Christie helped with my ironing,

My dearest bunkmate just acted like I wasn’t even there, she ignored me throughout the afternoon,

During the afternoon prep, I continued my sleep beside Jelo, she was one the sweetest persons ever,
She helped copy the notes I missed throughout the day, it felt good to have people that really care about me,

I had to go for dinner because of my medication, that and Feyi wasn’t giving me a choice, but this time the food was manageable and my sleep continued during the night prep.

I really expected my night to be just as peaceful as my day but I guess I should start reducing my expectations to zero,

Immediately I got to the dorm, someone came to call me that Senior Amarachi was looking for me,
I knew that I couldn’t give her an excuse that I wasn’t feeling well so I dragged myself to her dorm
When I got there I met senior Daniella and one other person that I recognized as the friend that senior Daniella was pouring her heart out to the night she flogged me for the first time

“Madam, welcome ohh”
That wasn’t good, she was smiling at me and she called me “Madam"
“Come and kneel down here”
I thought about telling her that I wasn’t feeling well but if she found that out, she might want to make me to things that will weaken me even more so I just complied and knelt down on the cold floor
“is the nurse at the health center your guardian?”
“No Senior”
“Then why did she call me this afternoon to humiliate me ” Senior Daniella screamed at me,
“I don’t know “
“So you didn’t go and tell her what happened last night?” this question came from Senior Amarachi but she didn’t give me time to answer
“You are the most senseless junior I have ever seen”
There was no cause for that insult but I just took it because there was really nothing  I could do otherwise
“You didn’t use your mosquito net for one night and you already went to the health center”
“I’m very sensitive”
I should not have said that because that seemed to annoy Senior Amarachi
“Take off your cardigan and move under the fan”
I did as she said
“You’re going to kneel under the fan till it’s time for lights out, I want to test your sensitivity ”
We had about thirty minutes before lights out and I wasn’t feeling well,

It’s official, Senior Amarachi is trying to kill me.

“I can’t believe you were humiliated in front of your crush” Senior Daniella’s friend said, I could still hear the mocking tone she was trying to mask with fake concern, apparently I was the only one that heard it because the statement just got Senior Amarachi curious
“You have a crush?” she directed that question at her sister
“It’s not a crush, I just think he’s really handsome” she was smiling, it would’ve been a funny sight if I was freezing under the fan
“What’s his name and what class is he in?”
Senior Daniella wanted to answer but her friend beat her to it
“He’s in Jss3, his name is Tofa”

I almost got a whiplash from turning my neck so fast to look in their direction
Senior Daniella had a crush on Senior Tofa, I didn’t even know what to think about that,
It wasn’t like it was any of my business but it was just really shocking,

They had the rest of their conversation in Igbo so I didn’t understand anything they said after that,

When it was finally time for lights out, Senior Amarachi allowed me to stand up but by that time there was a sharp pain in my chest from the exposure to cold air,
I would have to go to the health center tomorrow but this time, I would learn how to mind my mouth and not mention any name.

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