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Thursday 16th January

Dear diary

This past week has been so strange for me,

Feyi has been too busy for us to hang out as we did last term
She said she busy was with an assignment, but I knew that was a lie, Ada was in her class and she was also in my dorm and I had not seen her do any assignment since this term began, She might have a very strange character but she actually took her academics seriously

So Feyi lied to me about that

She lied to me again when I went to see her in class today during break so we could go to the tuck shop together, she said Senior Funmi wanted to see her so she had to go. I had to go to the tuck shop alone and when i got there I saw her with Jessica buying snacks

Not just any snack, there is this chocolate bar that we promised to only buy and eat together. She was buying it with Jessica and I even saw as they opened it and started eating it

She didn’t notice me standing at the side, she bought her chocolate and some other snacks and then they left
I wonder why someone that’s supposed to be my best friend would lie to me
If she wanted to hang out with Jessica, she should have said so.

I lost my appetite so I just went back to class without getting any snack
When I got back to class, Jelo asked why I came back empty handed
“There was nothing interesting at the shop”
I didn’t want to tell her the real reason I came back without snacks
“What about the chocolate that you always get with Feyi?”
“I don’t like the taste anymore”

I really appreciate the fact that she cared but I was already frustrated and angry so I may have snapped at her
“Because I don’t like the taste, can you stop asking questions please”
Her face dropped at my little outburst and it made me feel bad but I was in no mood to apologize so I just faced the other way and put my head on my table

After break, we had Basic Tech and my teacher; Mr Odunayo a.k.a Tech master as he told us to call him was very strict
If you come to his class a minute after him, you’ll kneel throughout the class
Jessica and Munachi came in late and they were punished. I felt sorry for Munachi but I felt very satisfied and happy seeing Jessica getting punished

Best friend thief…

It’s official, I no longer have a best friend

This night during our prep, Jessica wasn’t in class for the first thirty minutes, I guessed she was with Feyi and I prayed my guess wouldn’t be right but unfortunately I guessed right

I saw them through the window, they left Feyi’s class and were headed towards our class. I turned my head to face the other way when they came in,

They went straight to Jessica’s seat, this was very awkward because Jessica sat right behind me. You would think that Feyi would at least acknowledge my presence, but they just sat together and talked throughout the prep

They got too loud at a point and it was disturbing me, I had to turn and ask them to please keep it down but they just pretended like I wasn’t talking to them and continued their conversation
When I couldn’t take it anymore I had to beg Jelo to shift so I could sit with her and that’s how I stayed till prep ended

When we got to hostel, I went to Feyi’s dorm to talk to her but she acted like I was just there to disturb her
I didn’t care, I had to say what was on my mind
“Feyi, I don’t like what you’ve been doing these days”
“What did I do?”
“You don’t know what you did?”
“Please if you don’t have anything sensible to say can you leave my dorm, I need to sleep” she practically shouted at me

I did not expect that from her and apparently, neither did her dorm mates
They all stopped what they were doing and stared at us, it was very embarrassing so I just left

As I got to the front of my dorm, I noticed Honour was right behind me. She was obviously saw what happened and was enjoying this and I hated that
“Trouble in paradise?” she had a straight face on but I knew she was just itching to laugh at me
“I’m not in the mood for your taunting please”
“I’m not taunting you, I just wanted to say that you didn’t deserve to be talked to like that” and with that she entered the dorm

I was shocked, I didn’t expect her to say that and what she said actually made me feel better

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