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Saturday 26th April

Dear Diary,

This term just began and it's already getting interesting

Yesterday morning, Senior Daniella called me and some other Jss1 girls to help her carry cardboards, ribbons and balloons to her class and told us to come to the hall during our break time

When we got there, she made us help her with blowing balloons, tying ribbons and decorating cardboards. I'm scared of balloons so I helped out with the cardboard decorations

We were supposed to decorate it with different happy birthday designs using glitter pens while she worked on the one she was supposed to write the person's name on. She wouldn't let us see that particular one

When break was over we went back to our classes but she stayed behind to finish the decorations and told us to meet her there once the school day was over. After our classes I was tempted to just go straight to the dining hall but Jelo convinced me and she even offered to follow me to the hall

When we got to there, we carried the cardboards and balloons that were already tied with ribbons.

In the dining hall, she directed us to decorate a particular Jss3 table side with the balloons and ribbons while she hung the cardboards on the window

While we worked on that, people started coming in and they were looking at us, wondering what we were doing and it made me feel self-conscious.

When the Jss3 students came in and I realized whose table we were on I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me

It was Senior Tofa's table

When we were done with the decorations and Senior Daniella was done hanging the cardboards. She came in holding a gift bag and started singing a Happy Birthday song and that's when I realized it was Senior Tofa's birthday

We had to join her with the singing, some people marveled at her effort and clapped for her while some others laughed at her.
While we sang, Senior Tofa looked at Senior Daniella like he was trying to figure out how to respond to her surprise, when we were done singing, he thanked us, shook our hands and then gave Senior Daniella a hug, it was obvious that she was in heaven after that hug with her bright smile and unnecessary laughter

Finally the food prefects came to send us to our various tables but I wished Senior Tofa a happy birthday specially before leaving

I thought that was the end of Senior Daniella's surprises because what she did was already a gossip topic among Seniors and juniors but she had one more surprise in mind, one I'm sure she wishes she never carried out

During our dinner, people started making a lot of noise at the Jss3 wing so everybody ran to see what was going on out of curiosity,I got secondhand embarrassment from what I saw

Senior Daniella was wearing an unbelievably short house wear with ribbons in her hair and she was holding a cardboard that said "SENIOR TOFA I REALLY LIKE YOU WILL YOU PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME?!!!!"

Senior Tofa looked really shocked, he also looked like she was embarrassing him but he was trying to hide it so he wouldn't embarrass her any further.

Everyone watched both of them, waiting for his response but before he could answer, a member of staff on duty came into the dining and punished Senior Daniella for wearing a short house wear and sent the rest of us to our tables

In a way the staff had saved both Senior Daniella and senior Tofa from further embarrassment

After dinner some people followed Senior Tofa to his class because apparently Senior Daniella wasn't going to give up until she got an answer from him. I didn't go because I was tired and I felt a bit jealous just thinking of the possibility of him actually saying yes to her proposal

Some of my classmates actually went and they came back with the gist of what went down. Senior Tofa took Senior Daniella outside the class to talk to her because he didn't want to embarrass her in front of a crowd but some people followed them and eavesdropped on their conversation. According to them, he tried his best to let her down gently but she took it badly and cried all the way back to her class

That was all anyone could talk about throughout the prep, Jelo and I included. I just couldn't understand why she would want to embarrass herself like that

When we got to hostel, the seniors in my block gathered in my dorm and that was all they talked about, they even had the idea to call her and ask what pushed her to try it but senior Uju shut the idea down

Today's inspection exercise was also quite eventful

We took care of our outside duties while the Jss2s did the internal duties. When we were all done with our duties, we all came inside to wait for the inspectors

We weren't allowed to sit on our already arranged bed so we sat on the floor and while we waited some of us slept off. I woke up to the sound of Senior Hauwa screaming at someone, when my eyes cleared I realized she was shouting at Ada for peeing on herself while she slept on the floor

The inspectors were already in blue house but they chose to start from the Jss3 and SS1 block, giving us a bit of time. Ada wanted to mop it but that would leave the dorm smelling like urine so senior Uju told her to scrub that part of the floor first

While scrubbing she decided to move her bunk and I guess it got too heavy for her because while carrying it she dropped it and one of the legs landed on her little toe. There was blood everywhere, Senior Hauwa fainted at the sight of the blood while I resisted the urge to vomit

Senior Uju ran to call Mummy K while we tried to use clothes to stop the bleeding on Ada's foot and also try to resuscitate Senior Hauwa. The inspectors came in with her and the both of them were rushed to the Health Centre and the rest of the inspection was cancelled

I couldn't even eat breakfast this morning because I kept thinking about the blood

By lunchtime I was hungry so I went for lunch. I went outside to rinse my plate and while I was doing that , I overheard voices and I decided to eavesdrop while pretending to rinse to my plate

It was Senior Tofa and Senior Daniella. She was begging him and I almost felt bad for listening to their conversation

Keyword being 'almost'

"Senior Tofa, I really like you and I put together the whole surprise so you'll like me back"

"I'm sorry, I actually don't feel the same way about you. At this point I actually wish I did but I cannot force feelings"


He cut her off before she could continue

"Please let this go, forget about me. Think of me as the bad guy"

"I can't" she sounded like she was crying and with that she turned to go inside the dining

I pretended to be serious with the plate I had been rinsing for the past 10 minutes but she didn't even notice I was there. Senior Tofa on the other hand noticed me

"I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, I just wanted to rinse my plate"

He looked at me for a while and then started laughing

"It's alright, just enter inside before Senior Joel comes to meet you here"

And with that he walked in while smirking like he knew something I didn't

What was that about?

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