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Thursday 5th December

Dear diary,

Karma is real,

But before I get into that
We started our first term exams last week Monday and honestly it’s been really smooth, I only had a slight issue with Mathematics but it wasn’t too bad

Today was the last day of exams and I was so glad, I had my last paper this morning which was P.H.E and after that I would finally be free,

Mrs Johnson said we would have our class party after our paper today and I was very excited. We had already gotten our snacks and decorations ready and all that was left was to party!!!

Now back to why I believe Karma is real

I have never enjoyed the general assembly the way I did today,

Senior Amarachi was expelled this morning

You can call me wicked for enjoying this but after all that she put me through this term I genuinely feel satisfied, she got what she deserved

She got expelled for engaging in immoral acts, that’s what the principal called it
She was caught with a guy, I recognized him as the one I saw her with in the hall on the day she frustrated my life

They read out their statements, they had to stop them from reading out some parts but the main gist was that they used to go to the staff common room whenever it was empty and engage in those acts
They even had a teacher helping them, Mr Tunde
He would tell them the time when the common room would be empty and he even gave them a key so that they will get in and out with ease

While reading her statement, she mentioned that she sometimes left hostel without wearing underwear
I wonder how she felt comfortable walking around without underwear

The funny part of all this was her crying, she was just crying ugly while reading the statement
I didn’t know she could cry

The guy on the other hand didn’t look the least bit moved, after reading his statement, he just stared like he was waiting for  all this to be over so he could on his merry way

They would’ve been suspended but this was their third strike, they been caught in some comprising situations before and they were just given community service the first time. The second time they were caught they were suspended from school

They were really bold though, if I was caught doing something like that twice I’d take it as a chance to change and stop doing that thing

After reading their statements, they read the school rule book on this offence and the punishment for the third time offenders, after they did that  the principal gave his verdict
“According to the bright minds academy book of student’s conduct, Engaging in any form immoral act is highly frowned upon and so first time offenders are to be made to do community service, Second time offenders are to be suspended and third time offenders, which you both are shall be expelled from the academy”

Senior Amarachi was all but rolling on the floor with tears and catarrh rolling down her face
Okay maybe I felt a little bit of pity for her,

I turned back to look at Feyi and she mirrored my expression, it was hard not to pity senior Amarachi or was she just Amarachi now that she wasn’t a student of this school anymore.

The two of them were to see the school’s chaplain for counselling before leaving the school

Senior Daniella cried all the way from the assembly hall to the classroom area, she had people consoling her but as we moved towards the classrooms I heard senior Hauwa’s voice. She was enjoying this whole thing and even making fun of senior Daniella

The people she was talking to were calling senior Daniella some vulgar names and saying that she was just like her sister
I felt a tiny bit of pity for her too, I wondered how she was going to write her exams for today

My exams were smooth, I ran to Feyi’s class once I was done with my paper
We made plans the day before to spend our tickets on unnecessary snacks since we were going home tomorrow

On our way there, we saw Senior Amarachi getting into a Grey sienna, she had been crying so her eyes were puffy The man standing and talking to mummy K looked like her, her dad I assume
From the look on his face I could see that her problems were far from over, he looked really strict

Another reason for me to pity her

Senior Daniella also came out of the hostel with her things, she was leaving today as well

We watched as the car drove off

“I actually pity her” Feyi said as we walked to the tuck shop
“Me too”
We didn’t say much after that,

When I returned to class, it was already time for my class party and it was a lot of fun

Mrs Johnson planned out a lot of games for us and we really enjoyed it
Not even Jessica’s attitude ruined the mood, at first she was acting like she was too big for the games but when she was that we were all ignoring she came to join in the games

When we got back to hostel, nobody said a word about what happened today
We all looked at each with understanding

There wasn’t really lights outs time because vacation is tomorrow so we stayed up late finishing out provisions “Last night soaks” as the seniors called it

After a while everybody started getting tired and one by one we dispersed and went to our various beds

I was too excited to fall asleep, we were finally going back home
I’m really looking forward to this Christmas break

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