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Monday 7th October

Dear Diary,

The past week was uneventful, just that Ada is on dorm and bathroom cleaning duty till we go home for midterm break, this punishment was given to her by Mummy K,
The issue got to her because Ada was too much for the seniors to handle, she just frustrated them and even when  they flogged her, she didn't cry or feel any form of remorse.

We started our 1st C.A test today and I was nervous because mathematics and I have never being friends and that was the subject we were starting with,

Last night, Honour had tried to teach me but I wasn't really getting it, i didn't want to fail, I may have also cried a little out of frustration so when I got to the test hall that evening my hands were shaking,

In Bright Minds, we write C.A tests in the evenings so that we wouldn't miss our classes during the day, I could barely hear what the teacher was saying during the classes, my mind was full of what ifs, like what if I fail, or what if I faint during the test and a whole lot of other things,

As soon as I saw the questions I didn’t know whether I was supposed to laugh or cry, on one hand, it was all objectives which I preferred and on another hand, it was still mathematics,
I just did the best I could and I walked out of the test hall,

I felt really bad about the test and I felt like crying so I went to the multipurpose Hall, I knew everybody was in the classroom so there was nobody to disturb me,

I went upstairs and sat at the back sobbing silently and then I heard voices in the corridor,
One of the voices sounded familiar but I couldn't remember where i heard it so I decided to peek a little,

It was Senior Tofa, with a girl, she was crying and he was comforting her, it looked really personal so I cautioned myself and stopped peeking, I guess he had a girlfriend,

Well he was too fine not to have one

As I sat there thinking about my test and the fact that senior Tofa had had girlfriend although that was none of my business, Senior Tofa walked in, I tried to hide but he already saw me and was walking up to me

"Hi, Good evening" I thought he was going to ask if I was eavesdropping on his conversation,

"Are you fine?" He looked at me with concern, I guess my eyes were still red and puffy from crying earlier on,

"I didn’t know anybody was here, I didn’t mean to disturb your conversation" my shy side took over, i couldn’t look at his face so I stared at the ground,

"Oh, it's alright, that was just a counselling session" I rose my head up so fast, I was getting confused,


"Yep" he smiled at me "I'm on the Student Counselors Committee, I help Junior students that are in need of Counselling"

That cleared up a lot of things but I didn’t know when another question left my mouth,

"So that wasn’t your girlfriend?" When I realised what I just asked, i almost entered the ground,

That was so embarrassing,

He just laughed and said,
"No ohh, she just needed to talk to someone and I was there to listen to her"

I don't know why, but I was relieved to hear that, I was lost in my thoughts and I didn’t hear what he asked, I looked up to see him looking at me at me he was expecting a reply on something,

"Sorry, I wasn't listening"

" it's alright, I asked if you needed someone to talk to"

I considered it, a part of me wanted to say I was fine and just run away from him but I ignored it,

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