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Saturday 8th February

Dear diary,

The past week had me wishing I could disappear into the ground

A lot of people kept giving me bad looks, whispering about me, it wasn’t really whispering because I could hear most of them and they were also making jokes about me

The jokes were really lame and I really wanted to tell them that but I decided to ignore it but it wasn’t the easiest thing to do

Honour has been an absolute sweetheart

She was the last person I expected to support me, especially after what happened between us last term

Whenever she heard people make jokes about me or insult me, she didn’t hesitate to return the insults
She almost got into a fight with someone at the tuck shop, Jelo and I had to restrain her

The three of us have gotten really close, although the both of them have decided to gang up against me

They have refused to let me hear the end of what happened on Monday night from the counselling session with senior Tofa and then when Henry supported me. Jelo is completely convinced that Henry likes me

I think she’s crazy to even think that

Another good that happened during this week was that senior Tofa kept coming to check up on me after dinner before night prep

It's really nice of him to do so, the not so nice part of this is that Honour has developed this silly idea that Senior Tofa is attracted to me

Like seriously?

Jelo’s ridiculous theory about Henry liking me seems more realistic than Honour’s

Anyway, today was finally interhouse sports day

Even If I didn’t get to play football, at least I got to take part in the march past
Our royalties were really pretty, The king was the male house captain for our house; Senior Ezekiel, the Queen was Senior Uju, Hannah ended up being the Princess and then our Prince was Henry

The theme was African royalty and blue house was given Igbo culture. The royalties actually looked like a real Igbo royal family

I couldn’t help but notice that the Igbo attire looked really good on Henry. I didn’t say anything out loud though

I made a mistake during the march past, I don’t think anyone noticed though


Afterwards, we waited for the results to be announced. We were ranked third place, not what I wanted but at least it wasn’t last place. Red was last place, Green was second while Yellow house came first

I went back to sit with my other house members, Jelo left her house canopy just to come and tease me
“Can you see how fine Henry looks in his royal attire”
“I haven’t been paying attention to him"

If I told her what I actually thought when I saw him, she wouldn’t let me rest
“Liar, it’s practically impossible not to see how good he looks”
“What’s my business with how he looks?”
“If you want to keep pretending, it’s fine” She pretended to pout and then turned her back to me, her way of telling me that she was annoyed that I wasn’t responding to her teasing

At that moment, I spotted Henry walking towards where I was seated
I didn’t want Jelo to notice but that girl has the eye sight of an eagle.

Immediately she noticed him, she turned to look at me and started smiling like a crazy person
“Give it a rest” I rolled my eyes at her
“Hi Henry, how are you?” she used a very high pitched voice to talk to him
He looked very confused but he greeted her then he greeted me as well
“Hi, I came to get sachet water from the cooler”
He pointed towards the cooler that was behind my seat
“That’s really nice, Dabira don’t you think so?”

This girl couldn’t have been more obvious about what she was trying to do
I’m very sure Henry picked up the hint she was dropping but he chose to ignore her

When he left, I pinched her very hard
“Ouch, why would you pinch me?”
“Ask me again, I’m supposed to throw you away or even sell you”
“You can’t sell me, you love me too much”
I rolled my eyes at her
“Oh please, let’s go and look for Honour”
Blue House ranked third overall in the interhouse sports competition. Red was first, Green was second and Yellow was last

It seemed like everyone expected Yellow to come last, including the members of the house. When the results were announced, they didn’t look sad or bothered at all

Today also doubled as our visiting day, I didn’t understand it because we are supposed to go on midterm break on the Wednesday. That’s just three days away

After the announcements, the interhouse sports competition came to an end and I parted ways with my friends to go find my parents

After looking for a while, I spotted my dad’s car and ran towards it
Daddy saw me coming from afar and got down from the car to welcome me
“My big girl, I’ve missed you ohh”
“I’ve missed you too daddy”
I went to the other side of the car to greet my aunt
“Dabi dear, how are you”
“I’m fine aunty” I gave her a big hug

My brother and Mum didn’t come with them because he had a school competition today and Mummy had to take him. He attends a day secondary school

We sat in the car and then the goodies started rolling in. There was Chicken, Pizza, Shawarma, meat pie, popcorn, etc. The drinks were surplus as well
I ate until it was obvious that I couldn’t possibly eat anymore
I packed some stuff in my bag to be devoured in the hostel

“Dabira, do you have any gist for daddy?” My dad asked when he saw that I was done eating
“No sir”
“Nothing eventful or interesting happened since you resumed?”
“No sir, school has been really dry”
“What about that friend your mom told me about?”
“Yes, Tutu what’s her name again?”
“Fiyin or something like that”
Ohh, that friend
“Yes, how is she doing?”
“She’s fine sir”

I didn’t want to tell him any of the stuff that had been happening. He would get worried and I didn’t want that

After about 2 hours, they left and I headed back to the hostel

I know I’m going to see them in three days but I was missing them already and Wednesday seemed to far

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