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Sunday 27th July

Dear Diary,

The last day of the session is finally here!!!!

The beginning part of the week didn’t have many activities, we just did sports and then we had a variety show on Wednesday while the Jss3s wrote the last paper for their Junior NECO exams in the library.

During the variety show, I stepped out of the hall because it was getting a bit boring and when I got outside I met senior Tofa, he looked really tired and he was holding his math set and exam paper which indicated that he just finished his exams

My first instinct was to run away but my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t bring myself to move, a feeling I was familiar with but I honestly thought I was over it. He walked up to me with a tired smile on his face and I couldn’t help but smile back at him

“Can we talk?” he asked
I wasn’t sure if I was ready to talk to him so I decided to ask a question that would discourage him
“You just finished your exam; shouldn’t you go and rest in your hostel?”
He chuckled “I’m obviously tired but we need to talk, I’m not comfortable with where we left things the last time we talked”

I was trying to look for another reason to avoid the whole thing but the tired look on his face made him really attractive and it made me melt a bit

“Fine, let’s talk”

We sat on the stairs and for about two minutes neither of us said a word. The silence was getting a bit uncomfortable so I broke it
“So… what did you want to talk about?”
“The last conversation we had”
I knew what he was talking about but I wanted to beat around for a bit “the one we had in dining?”
“No, you know what I’m talking about now”
“I don’t recall any other conversation” I was trying to keep a straight face but it was working
“Dabira, you know what I’m talking about” he frowned
I laughed “yeah, I know what you’re talking about; I’m just trying to avoid talking about it”
“Well, we need to talk about it because I really have to explain myself”
“If you’re doing this because you think it hurt me when you turned me down, there’s no need for that. It did hurt me but you’re allowed to feel however you wish”
“Will you let me talk?”
He let out a small laugh “I didn’t mean to react the way I did that day, it caught me unawares and I didn’t know what to think”
“You sister zoned me, that’s not something you do when you’re in shock” I said while frowning
“I honestly wasn’t thinking when I said that”
“So you feel the same way?”
“Of course” he said like it was the most obvious thing
“Then why didn’t you say so?”
“You are too young”
I thought I was hearing things “I’m sorry, could you repeat that”
“You are too young” he repeated himself
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“If you get involved with a boy at this age, you’ll probably not know how to handle it and it might be distraction for you”
“You say that like you’re that old, you’re just two years older than me”
“That’s why I’m not getting involved with any girl either”

He had a very good point and I had nothing to counter it so I just sat there and pouted
He smiled “let’s do this, give yourself two years. When you’re in Jss3, if you still feel the same way then we can give it a try”
“Two years is a long time” I thought about what he just said “but I guess it’ll give me time to mature mentally”
“Exactly” he stood up and then helped me to stand “so for now, friends?”
“Yeah” I smiled and the smile was a genuine one
He tore a blank part of his exam question paper and handed it to me “do you have a phone?”
“Not yet, but I’m getting one this holiday. I can give you my mummy’s number so we can talk till I get mine”
“She won’t mind?”
“My mummy is the coolest person ever, she won’t mind”
I gave him the number, he hugged me and then he left. As he walked away I felt a sense of relief, I guess I needed the talk

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