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Friday 28th February

Dear diary,

These days have been really normal

No drama, No rumors, A few annoying jokes and comments but I’m not really bothered by them

I’ve been meeting with Senior Tofa on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the past two weeks and he has been a tremendous help and a really good support system. I told him about the issue with my parents and he prayed about it with me and gave some really uplifting advice

My friends have refused to let go of the silly ideas they have in their heads about Senior Tofa and Henry liking me and I have given up on trying to convince them
They are both very stubborn so it's no use

Some days ago, Mrs Johnson removed Jessica from being assistant class captain. Everyone had their speculation about why but the most likely reason was her position in class
After the first term exam, she came 25th out of 27 students. I know this because I assisted my teacher with packing the results
Mrs Johnson takes our positions in class and our academics in general serious and she has this rule that those who lead should be brighter than the people  they are leading so I wasn’t really shocked when she removed her

She wanted to replace her with the person that came 2nd in class and that was Jelo but she refused the post for a very silly reason; She didn’t want me to miss my chance with Henry, but of course she didn't tell Mrs Johnson that, she just said the post would be too distracting for her
When she told me the real reason, I pinched her very hard because that’s a very stupid reason to refuse such a post.

What made the situation funny was that when Mrs Johnson asked her if she had anyone that was capable enough to replace her in mind, she mentioned my name
I didn’t expect her to actually consider Jelo's recommendation because I’m like 9th in my class and there are 6 people that are more competent ahead of me but for some unknown reason she trusted Jelo’s judgment

When she called Henry and I to her office that afternoon,I thought I was in trouble
“I’ve decided to make you the assistant class captain of your class”
“You don’t like that?”
“It’s not that, I just didn’t expect this at all”
“You have a very good friend, keep her close”
I didn’t understand what she meant until I told Jelo what happened and she explained everything to me

So yeah, I’m the assistant class captain and I get to interact with Henry more, Just like Jelo wanted

We’re having our End of term/Easter service on the 13th of March, that’s the day after we finish our exams

I wouldn’t have had an issue with that except Jss1 students in each house are expected to come up with a drama for that day. My school is big on making sure everyone participates in such events, so each session, every class takes a rotation on what to do during the service
We have protocol, welfare/catering and team tech; these were for those in senior class, and for those in Junior class there’s drama presentation(this is done according to our houses), Sanitation and Bible reading

Realistically speaking, not everyone in each class can take part in all these things so the class captains in each class was supposed to pick about 8 people from their classes, two from each house, male and female
Henry chose both of us to represent blue house from our class for the drama, probably because we’re the class captains

We have to use any free day we have during to practice for our drama even during the exam week.
The first practice session was today and it was absolutely chaotic

We didn’t exactly have any leader and everyone wanted to lead so that caused a lot of issues and noise.
I’m not even sure what started it, but the Jss1 boys and girls in blue house have this silent beef so the boys weren’t going to let a girl lead and the girls weren’t keen on letting a boy lead either

After about 30 minutes of arguing, we finally agreed to have two leaders; a girl and a guy. The boys nominated Henry, and two other noise makers and as expected, we all voted for Henry and then for the girls, we nominated Hannah, Feyi and one of my former dorm mates; Karen and the majority voted for Karen, including me

For a split second, I felt bad for Feyi when I saw the look on her face as she realized that the majority voted for Karen but it didn’t come as a surprise to me because Karen was really pretty, nice and she was also quite popular

The next issue was the concept of our drama, some people wanted the conventional story of the death and resurrection of Jesus while some others thought it was too simple and wanted us to think about other unique concepts that were Easter related. I was among those that supported the latter

We each brought up our ideas but they all sounded ridiculous and a bit childish. When I rose my hand to share another idea, one of the boys that I called a noise maker earlier; Melvin, made a very senseless statement
“As you give your idea please remember that the resurrection story doesn’t have any form of homosexuality in it”

Everyone went quiet when he said that, they were all waiting for my reaction and I wish I could say I kept my cool like a mature person
I turned to face him and I poured out all the anger that I have been feeling towards all the people that made stupid jokes and comments like that

“So, you actually think what you just said made any sense?”
“Are you pained?” He kept pushing me
“I’m not pained, I just feel the same way your parents felt when you were born, Disappointed”

Someone whistled at that, but I wasn’t done with him

“You think you’re funny because of all the senseless comments you make here and there, sorry to burst your bubble, you just sound very stupid and senseless”
“I won’t allow you to insult…” he tried to cut me off but I didn’t let him
“Shut up, I’m not done. The only reason the people you call friends still stick around you even if being around you probably causes them to lose some brain cells is because you always have money to waste. You use your money to buy friends because you know that no one would willingly befriend a dumb idiot like you” Karen held my hand to calm me down but I wasn’t ready to calm down, not until I had said every last bit of what I had on my mind

“The funny thing about all this is the fact that the money you throw around like a fool is probably not given to you by your parents or Guardian, who knows maybe you steal sometimes” that last part just came out of nowhere, I was boiling with anger
“You’re a stupid lesbian bitch” he insulted me
“That’s all you can say, you don’t even have any other insults and what makes it even more funny is that your insults are just stupid rumors and lies that someone made up while mine are actually facts” and with that, I walked out of the class we were practicing in

I didn’t think anyone would follow me, but as sat outside crying I heard footsteps and I turned to see that Henry followed me. I was actually embarrassed that he had to see that

He just sat down beside me and didn’t say anything for a while and I really appreciated that but after a while the silence got awkward
“Why did you follow me?” I asked just to break the silence
“I don’t know, I guess I just felt like ” he replied like it was the most obvious thing
“Yeah, I just felt like”
“Plus, I didn’t want you to sit outside and cry alone”
“Thank you”
“No need to thank me, you’re my assistant after all”
“Awwwn, that’s so sweet of you” I said while laughing
“Mission accomplished” He said with a smile
“You’re finally smiling”
“I have you to thank for that”
He just smiled in response
“Do you want to go in now or you want to sit out here for a little longer” I asked
“Let’s stay for a few more minutes”
I smiled at his response and we sat there in a comfortable silence for about 5 minutes

When we got back inside we saw that the others had agreed on an idea for the drama, apparently it was Feyi’s idea. We agreed to start the rehearsals properly tomorrow and then they all started leaving for dinner

I thought I was going to leave for dinner with Henry but after the meeting he was nowhere to be found so I walked to the dining hall with Karen
She kept trying to apologize on Melvin’s behalf, she even followed me to my table in dining
“It’s fine, you weren’t the one that insulted me so there’s no need to apologize”
“You might not understand why but I’m I feel really bad for what he did and that’s why I’m apologizing”
She was right, I didn’t understand but I had accepted the apology. She hugged me and then went back to her table

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