21 10 2

Thursday 9th January

Dear diary,

I wasn’t wrong about the fact that more fights were going to happen

It isn’t even up to a week since Honour and I became bunkmates and I already want to squeeze her in a bag and throw her somewhere very far

It's like she has been looking for ways to annoy me on purpose. She keeps saying that she doesn’t like me and she hates the idea of living in the same dorm with me
Well I don’t like the idea any more than she does but I can’t do anything about it because it’s either this or being a  slave for 9 other seniors for the rest of the rest of the term and I want to live a peaceful life this term so that wasn’t even an option

Last night, when it was time for lights out that was when the tiny she-devil knew she wanted to wash and Senior Uju has this rule that once it’s time for lights out and your bunkmate isn’t on her bed the both of you will be punished for it

Honour knows about this rule but she still decided to get me in trouble too,
When Senior Uju asked where she was I lied and said she went to use the toilet, I hoped she would use her brain but she obviously doesn’t have one

She went to dry her clothes in the courtyard and she started singing loudly like she was trying to tell Senior Uju that she was breaking her rule on purpose

“Honour, what are you doing there?” Senior Uju asked when she heard her singing
“I’m drying my clothes” she replied like she was doing the right thing

“Dabira come to my corner now!” Senior Uju was obviously pissed that I lied to her
I rushed to her corner and knelt down. She didn’t need to tell me to do that, it was a given
“What did you say your bunkmate was doing?”
“ I thought she went to use the toilet, I didn’t know she went to wash her clothes instead”

I was trying to reduce the inevitable punishment but it was like Honour was just out to frustrate me

As soon as I answered Senior Uju, she entered inside and slammed the door leading to the corridor loudly
“Dabira, I’m returning the detergent you gave me back to your locker ohh”
This girl was determined to get us both in trouble 

“How did you give her detergent if you didn’t know she was going to wash?”
I couldn’t answer, she had figured out that I was lying and I was definitely getting punished
“Honour come her and join her to kneel down in my corner”
“I can’t kneel down”
“I have an issue with right leg, I’ve had a metal implant inside since I was 6 and I replace it once in two years”
I remembered that she mentioned it when we were still close enough to be friends

She knew she couldn’t kneel down so she did all this for me to be the only one to kneel down
“Okay then, tomorrow morning the both of you will clean the dorm after doing your other duty outside”
“Okay senior Uju” She was awfully cheery for someone that was just given a punishment to serve
“Dabira remain on your knees till I fall asleep, that’s your punishment for lying to me”

Honour obviously this very amusing because she was smiling
“Honour go and climb your bed”
She ran to her bed quickly, stepping on my bed while climbing hers

Luckily, Senior Uju slept off about 15 minutes later and I was able to go back to my bed.

This morning, when we were finished with our duty outside we  came back to clean the dorm

We had to wait for everybody to leave before we could clean
While waiting we had another argument about who was going to sweep or mop
I wanted to sweep but she kept say she could react to the dirty water if she put her hands in it
Like my skin is made of metal or something, my skin is sensitive too but she was just trying to frustrate me

By the time everyone had left the room, I was already fed up of arguing with her so I just agreed to mop at least it gave me more time to stay in the dorm

When she was done with sweeping, she was supposed to just dress up and leave the dorm because it was almost time for breakfast but she kept going back and forth stepping on the places I had obviously mopped

“Honour can you please stop what you’re doing” I said when I got fed up with her
“I shouldn’t get ready for class just because you’re mopping?”
“You know that’s not what you’re doing”
“What am I doing?”
“You’re purposely stepping on the places I have obviously mopped just to frustrate and provoke me”
“Is that what I’m doing? I didn’t realize it” the tone of her voice got me so angry that I took a handful of the dirty mopping water and splashed it on her, it spilled on a clothes a bit

She retaliated by taking a full bowl of the dirty water and completely drenching me
My scream got senior Uju’s attention, she was taking her bath and she ran to the dorm when she heard my scream
When she saw what happened she didn’t say anything for like 30 seconds,
After looking at us with our wet clothes she just went back to the bathroom to finish her bathing before coming back to deal with us

After taking her bath, she dressed up and dragged both of us to Mummy K’s quarters
“Why are your clothes wet?”
“She poured dirty water on me” I told Mummy K
“She’s started it” Honour countered
“You were insulting me”
“I didn’t insult you”
Mummy K got tired of our argument,
“Keep quiet, both of you”

That got us to shut up and listen to her

“This is your final warning, the next time I hear that the two of you have any fight or argument, I’m taking one of you to the Jss2 dorm for the rest of the term”
Neither of us wanted that so promised her that we wouldn’t fight

Honestly I don’t want to fight with Honour but she makes it so difficult and she’s also very annoying
But the fear of going to stay in a dorm with only seniors overshadowed any feeling of annoyance I have towards Honour

Mummy K told us to go and change out of our dirty clothes
My second pair of uniform wasn’t ironed but I had to manage, guess I was as senior Christie used to say ‘Rocking Rumpled’ for today

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