22 9 4

Saturday 1st February

Dear diary,

They lost both matches and are now ranked last place among all the junior girls football teams

The reason they lost?

I don’t want to point fingers but it might’ve had something to do with little Miss ‘Betray her best friend without thinking twice’

Before their first match with green house girls, Feyi said she was a good goal keeper and because of her sister the other team members didn’t argue with her

During the first match, all the shots from green house girls entered the net. They scored 8 times, thrice in the first half and five times in the second half
We managed to score twice in the second half, and that was because Senior Hauwa stepped up her game.

She scored both goals, but it didn’t matter because they weren’t able to equalize before the end of the match

Our second match was with Yellow house because they lost their match against Red House,

There was no difference, Feyi was moved from being the goalkeeper to one of the defenders

Terrible idea

She kept missing the ball, at least the other players tried to cover for her lack of skills

Our team was losing in the first half but senior Hauwa came through in the second half; She was our star player
We were tied with Yellow house 2-2 but within the last 15 minutes Feyiyemi scored an own goal twice


Because of that silly mistake, the match ended with the score 4-2 meaning we had lost the game

Everyone was disappointed, Senior Abigail tried to give a pep talk but it wasn’t working
Nobody said a thing to Feyi, mostly because they were scared of her sister.

But I didn’t care, I had something to say and I said it
“Are you happy?”
“What are you talking about?”
“We could’ve had a chance if not for your inability to play this sport”
“Like you could’ve done better” she said this with a sneer
“I could have and you know it, but you just to steal my spot”
“I didn’t steal your spot, if you didn’t want to leave the team for me you could’ve said so”
“And risk getting punished for disrespecting your sister” she wanted to say something but I cut her off “Without your sister you wouldn’t be able to do half the things you’re doing”
“That’s a lie”
“Oh please, Other seniors can’t punish you and just look at your performance during both matches. You cost us both matches but nobody can scold you because of your sister”
“It was a team effort” she tried to counter
“Team effort? Was it a team effort when you scored into our goal post twice”
“It was a mistake”
“Was it a team effort when you watched as the shots from the green house team passed by you and entered our goal post eight good times?”
“I didn’t want to get hit by the ball”

That was the worst excuse she could give

“Then why did you ask to be the goalkeeper if you don’t want the ball to touch you at all”
“I don’t have to answer to you”
“You’re right, you don’t”
“I’m going back to hostel with Jessica, if you see my sister and she asks for me tell her that I have a headache so I went to hostel early”
“You’re a terrible person”
As I said that I felt tears building in eyes threatening to fall. I hate being so emotional
I thought she wasn’t going to respond to that but after she carried her bag she looked at me
“I just realized something”
“What?” I was still struggling to hold my tears
“The fact that I became close friends with Jessica hurts you like this because you don’t know who you are in this school without me”
And with that, she turned and walked away

I couldn’t hold my tears any longer so I ran so fast to the classroom areas, it was a Saturday so i expected it to be empty and it was

I cried my eyes out,
The fact that she treated our friendship like something that never happened hurt but what hurt the most was the realization that we probably became friends because I was available at that time and she felt bad for me

After about thirty minutes I heard a sound from the next class and my curiosity got the best of me so I decided to check it out

I should have just stayed put

When I entered the class, I didn’t see anyone at first but then i looked towards the back and I saw Love sitting there, she looked like she had been crying too and I felt bad for her so I went closer to comfort her
“Are you okay?”
“What do you want?” She was clearly in a bad mood
“You look like you were crying so I came to see if you were fine”
“You look like you were crying too”
“I just lost someone I thought was my best friend”
“We’re in the same boat then, my only friend just told me that she never considered me a friend”

I stood close to her to console her, she burst into tears again so I gave her a hug and allowed her to cry as much as she wanted
We were like that for about 5 minutes then the hug started getting uncomfortable

She was holding on to me in a manner I wasn’t really comfortable with so I tried to remove myself from the hug but she wouldn’t let me go
“Love, please can you let me go”
“The hug is getting uncomfortable”
She finally let me go but then she grabbed my hand tightly
“Why are you holding my hand”
“You have very soft hands”
“Thank you” I was trying to pull my hands away but she was staring at me like she wanted to bite me
“I’ve been admiring your beauty since I first saw you”
“Thank you, again”
“I like to experiment with both boys and girls”

I didn’t understand what she meant at first but when she left my hands and started running her hands up and down my arm I got the message she was trying to pass across
“Umm, I’m not really interested in such things”
I didn’t want to make it more awkward than it already was
“Most people aren’t on their first try but they get used to it later on”

Most people?!!

“I’m sorry, I don’t want to try it at all”
I tried to stand up to leave but she gripped my hands so tight I was genuinely terrified
“Just one small peck on the lip, I promise you’ll like it”
Her face was getting too close to mine
“I said I’m not interested” I raised my voice, I was done playing nice

She didn’t seem to understand what I was saying because she was still try to kiss me. I had difficulty in leaving her tight grip because she was bigger, stronger and taller than I was
Thankfully I got the strength to push her away just as she was about to do what she wanted to me

I ran out of the class, went to my class to get my things. I was so scared that she was going to follow me and try again or maybe even hurt me so I rushed past her class

As I ran away, I looked back to see if she was following me
She was staring at me from the window of the class, I didn’t like the way she was looking at me

What have I gotten myself into???

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