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Wednesday 16th October

Dear diary,

I am the happiest person right now, Why?
Because it's finally mid term break,

I had been anticipating this day since it was announced during our morning assembly last week Friday,

We would be going home today and we're supposed return on Sunday, it's short but at this point, I am ready to go home even if it’s just for a day,

The rest of the test week was uneventful, I wrote the rest of my tests with ease, I didn’t have a problem with any other subject apart from Mathematics so I was fine for the remaining tests,

The Devil siblings didn’t even disturb me throughout, I thought they were going to make me suffer throughout the week but they just ignored me, except this one time when I came back to hostel on Friday evening and I didn't put my sandals in my locker, I left it under my bunk and slept off, bunkmate dearest(yes this is sarcastic) did not like that,

"Dabira" she screamed my name and I woke up with a shock, she could've just tapped me,

"What are your sandals doing outside your locker?" I was still sleepy so I didn’t answer immediately,

"Are you deaf?" Another unnecessarily loud tone

"I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to leave it there, I was tired when I came back so I didn’t look at where I was putting it" I quickly came down to put the sandals inside my locker,

I was expecting her to punish me or beat me but she just looked at me and hissed

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood" then she turned to continue doing whatever it was she was doing before she woke me up,

I turned to look at Feyi who was on her bed watching our conversation quietly,
She looked at me in a way that i knew meant, she felt sorry for me, but it was all good,
From the way she threatened me on Monday, I honestly expected worse, but if this was it, then I didn’t mind at all.

For the first time this term, I was excited to go to class, our parents were going to come to our classes to pick us, I almost ran to class after assembly, Feyi was laughing at me,

She had it easy this term, her sister was there for her so she didn't feel like she was separated from her entire family,
I on the other hand didn’t have anybody here, so the past weeks were a  lot for me, thank God for midterm breaks,
May God bless whoever invented them, if that makes sense,

I got to class and took my seat,
The day before, we arranged our seats in the form of a circle, leaving a big space in the middle, that was where Mrs Johnson was supposed to stay when she received her parents,

We had our notebooks out incase our parents wanted to check my books, I may not like school that much but I really love copying notes so my notes were complete, and my handwriting is neat too, unlike Feyi’s handwriting,

It looks like a blind chicken tried to write, I told her this once and she threw her pillow at me,

Parents started coming in and out of the class, each time a parent entered I turned to see who it was, after about 8 parents, I stopped looking, the girl that sat beside me, Jelo was laughing at the way I turned my head each time, we were having a conversation but I kept getting distracted everytime I heard a parent come in,

Her name might sound odd but the full meaning is so cute, it means Jesus Loves, her parents are really creative.

Henry's brother was the one that came to pick him, I see that the smiling genes run in their family, his brother smiled so brightly, he had dimple on both cheeks, just like Henry,

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