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Tuesday 3rd June

Dear Diary,

It's my favorite day of the year...MY BIRTHDAY!!!!

It started off as a lovely day but ended with me crying myself to sleep.

My friendship with senior Tofa got better after the last counseling session and we became closer now that we could relate to each other's pain in a way, he stopped by my class after afternoon prep to check up on me and walked me to my hostel after night prep everyday for the past week.
My friends have teased me so much but this time, I'm wasn't completely against it

My birthday started off well, Mummy K called me after devotion today and prayed for me after which she gave me the phone to speak to mummy
I wasn't expecting a call from her but she surprised me,
"How is my birthday princess doing?" her voice sounded brighter and that made me very happy
"I'm fine mummy"
"I sent some money to your class teacher so she could get some snacks for you and your classmates"
"Thank you mummy"
"Have you talked to your brother lately?"
"Ma-a-a" I stammered, immediately giving away the truth
"What did you talk about?"
"He was just telling me how you were doing"
"Did he mention anything about your father?"
"Yes ma, but only because he didn't want me to be in the dark"
She kept quiet for a while, I thought my brother was in trouble but then she just sighed and continued talking
"Your dad may not call to wish you a happy birthday, so don't be too disappointed"
I won't lie, hearing that my Father probably wasn't going to call on my birthday wasn't the happiest news but I took it well
"I understand ma, he's probably busy"
Mummy K came in so I had to end the call, Mummy prayed for me and then she hung up

During breakfast, I got my first gift, it was a pack of hair accessories and they came from Feyi. I wasn't expecting anything from her; I thought our friendship was practically non-existent but getting a birthday from her made me feel really special

The rest of my tablemates decided to milk the fact that it was my birthday and get an extra cooler of rice and stew from the dining hall staffs, I didn't complain though, they gave me the biggest portion and the biggest fish

When I got to class, I noticed a lot of people were gathered at the window. My first thought was 'oh no, what rumor are they spreading this time' but it was nothing like that, there were three cardboards with 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' designed on them and people were signing it, It didn't say who made it but I had a few guesses.
There were a lot of birthday wishes on it and a few insults here and there but I couldn't have cared less. I was too happy

At break time, Mrs. Johnson called me to her office to receive a phone call and when I heard the person's voice I almost dropped the phone. My Dad actually remembered to call me
I didn't realize that I was crying until Mrs. Johnson handed me a tissue before leaving the office to give me some privacy

"Happy Birthday, my big girl" his voice sounded really tired and a bit distant but I didn't focus on that, I was just happy that he called
"Thank you Daddy"
"Hope your day is going well?"
"Yes sir, my friends-" He didn't let me finish my statement
"I have to go now; I'll talk to you later" and without waiting for a response, he hung up
"Bye Daddy" I whispered to myself

I felt more tears threatening to drop but I decided to take the fact that he even called at all as a win and put on a very bright smile

The counseling session that i was supposed to have during afternoon prep was moved to the night so I made use of that time to share the snacks that Mrs. Johnson bought. She got potatoes chips and a new kind of soda, the moment I opened it was when I realized that the majority of my set mates were fake people, especially the guys

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