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Monday 23rd June

Dear Diary,

I can’t seem to get a moment of rest

After my last counseling session with senior Tofa, I applied for a change of counselor and I was given a new one; a female this time. She was really nice but I didn’t really enjoy the sessions the way I used to, I always looked forward to the end of sessions

Senior Tofa didn’t ask why I switched counselors but it’s not like I gave him the opportunity to do so. I did everything i could to avoid him; I was too embarrassed to face him

My friends were curious but they didn’t ask about what happened between us and I was grateful for that, they even did their best to avoid bringing him up during our conversations but Jelo’s curiosity got the best of her eventually

We were just talking randomly when the conversation led to us talking about my tablemates and then when we were talking about King David, she brought the subject of senior Tofa into the conversation

“When do you plan on telling us what actually went wrong between you and senior Tofa” I wasn’t expecting that question from her, Honour is the one that is unapologetically curios, so to hear Jelo ask even when Honour didn’t was shocking
“Nothing serious” I tried to downplay it so she would lose interest but she didn’t back down
“Nothing serious” she mimicked me “but you changed your counselor”
“I just wanted to try someone else”
“I’m 10, not stupid so you had better start talking” she raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms to show that she meant business

I looked at Honour to see if she was going to back me up but she was also curios so she avoided my eyes. Left with no choice, I had to spill

“I confessed my feelings to him” I said in a really low voice
“What did you say?” Jelo moved closer to hear me properly
“I told him how I felt about him”
They were obviously shocked; I never told them about my plans in that regard
“Wow, I had no idea you were going to do that” Honour said
“You’re my superhero” Jelo joked “there’s no way I would be bold enough to do that”
“Well, my boldness didn’t do me any favor”
“Why?” she asked with concern
“He doesn’t feel the same way” I paused for dramatic “in fact he said I’m like a sister to him”
“The sister-zone, ouch” Honour said like she read my mind
“My thoughts exactly” Jelo agreed with her “you cannot force him to feel the same way about you and I like the fact that you respected that”
“Actually, I may have acted petty after he gave me his answer”
“What did you do?” they said at the same time

I told them about the snacks and his facial expression when I told him it was my birthday
“That is some high level pettiness but I love you so I’ll ignore that” Jelo said
“That wasn’t fair or nice” Honour being the angel on my shoulder chastised “but you were hurt at the time so I won’t say much about it”

That’s why I love my friends, they support me when I need it and also give me a little scolding when necessary

I thought I was finally free from all drama until this morning’s assembly

The assembly started off the way it always does; prayers, praise and worship, national anthem, word charge and then announcement.
The shock came during the announcements

After the vice principal (academics) had given the normal announcements, the vice principal (admin) came to the podium and she was holding the punishment files. She didn’t even need to hold the files; it was common knowledge among all students that whenever she comes up after announcements; someone was either getting suspended or expelled

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