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Sunday 29th September

Dear diary,

Sunday mornings in Bright Minds are not exactly my favourite, i have to wake up at 4:45am, that should be a criminal offence, to make a 10 year old child wake up that early,

There's no breakfast before church, but I'm already used to that routine, mummy never allowed anybody above the age of 7 to eat before church, so i didn’t mind, Feyi and Honour didn’t like that though, especially Honour,

I remember our first Sunday here, Honour cried because she was so hungry and sleepy, I felt bad for her, she doesn’t cry anymore but she still gets grumpy on Sunday mornings and this Sunday was no exception

"Honour do you have an extra jotter, I lost mine and senior Emmanuel will punish me if I come to church without a jotter" My dorm mate Ada asked,

Senior Emmanuel is a prefect that everybody feared, he is the Chapel Prefect, he has an intimidating stature, tall,muscular and he almost never smiles, I wonder who voted him as the Chapel Prefect,

If you don’t come with a bible, jotter and pen on Sundays, that meant you'd kneel down throughout the service and would write a letter explaining why you didn't have your them, the letter must fill an entire foolscap sheet,
I have never being punished by him but I've seen others and so I understand why Ada was very scared of going to church without a jotter,

"Ada please don't disturb me this morning, is it everything I have to give you, I gave you my pen to class last week and you lost it even when I told you that my mum has counted my pens, I also gave you socks because you couldn't find any of your own but you tore it and now I can't take it back"
It was quite obvious that she was frustrated because it was a Sunday morning and she was taking the frustration out on Ada,

"Please now" Ada pleaded "I will buy another one from the tuckshop tomorrow,

"With which ticket ? you and I both know that you've used all your ticket"

That was true Ada had wasted her tickets on snacks and junk, she even spent 600 on a lollipop, a senior came in and said she was selling it even though it was contraband in our school and that was why it was so expensive,

We later found out that even if it was contraband, it was sold for 100, the senior had cheated Ada by making her pay an extra 500,

So yes, Ada didn't have any ticket left,

"I'll buy it next month, please now"
"Ada, no means no, please leave me alone" she turned to continue dressing up when Ada did something very crazy,

She took her body oil and poured it all over Honour's Church white, that shocked everybody in the dorm, even senior Abigail that went back to sleep after taking her bath woke up,

Honour screamed in horror, her white gown was ruined, she started crying

Senior Abigail came to inspect the situation and when she saw what Ada did, she was really shocked everybody knew how much she liked Honour, she was her favourite Jss1 student,

"Ada what is the meaning of this rubbish?" She turned to face Ada " Why would you stain her white, are you possessed, what would she wear now and it's almost time for you guys to leave the hostel"

The whole time that she was talking, Ada didn't look remorseful at all, she matched Senior Abigail's angry stare with a stubborn stare of her own, I wondered where she got her courage from, I would be a crying mess already if it were me,

"I would deal with you after church" then she turned to face the rest of us "who has an extra white that's ironed?"

Mst of us kept our extra whites in our boxes but thankfully Feyiyemi had an extra one, Senior Funmi ironed all her clothes and told her not to keep them in her box incase of anything, she couldn't iron the second pair of my white because there was no time that evening and honestly, I wasn't bothered,

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