31 11 2

Friday 22nd November

Dear diary,

The past weeks were really peaceful, I didn’t have any issue with the devil sisters,

Senior Daniella’s behavior actually changed. Ever since she had that fight with Senior Hauwa, her reaction to certain situations have been very different.

There was this one time on a Friday night when Senior Christie wanted to scrub the floor of the dorm. Senior Daniella’s clothes were hanging on our bunk and I think it was disturbing her work so she tried to shift the clothes and in doing that, she mistakenly dropped the clothes on the floor that she had already poured the soapy water

We all expected Senior Daniella to scream at her,but when she saw the clothes, she just asked what happened and when she got an explanation, She put the ones that got dirty in a bucket and went to wash them

That’s how she has been reacting throughout for the past week.

Something interesting went down during our night prep,

We discovered that Munachi had been lying this whole time about who she really was

About 20 minutes after our prep began, the new prep supervisors that replaced the old ones suddenly left and then Senior Uju and Senior Mirabel entered the class,
They didn’t look like they ever fought, it was like the events of that evening never happened

Everybody watched them, not sure what to say or do. After about 5 minutes Senior Uju broke the silence
“Why are you guys so quiet?”
“We know that you guys are not this quiet” Senior Mirabel said while laughing
“We were just shocked to see you, we thought you guys fought”
This statement came from the Queen of “oversabi”; Jessica. It was obvious that we were all thinking it but nobody dared to say anything

Nobody except Jessica,

But senior Uju wasn’t offended, she just smiled at us and then she turned towards Munachi's seat and asked her to come seat with them
That actually almost made me ask if something was going on because from what I remembered, they fought because of her

Nobody else said anything throughout the night but we were all staring at them and wondering the same thing
Something was not right…


I was right, something was definitely not right

When I got to hostel, I met Munachi on the floor in senior Abigail’s corner with about 4 SS3 seniors sitting in front of her, Senior Uju and Senior Mirabel were also there

I looked at Feyi  to see if she knew what was going on but she looked just as confused
I went to join her on her bed so I could get a better view of what was going on

It was really something

It started with Senior Abigail asking Munachi certain questions and her answers were mind blowing
“Where were you born?”
“What do your parents do?”
“My mom is an Airforce officer and my dad is a Doctor”

From what I could remember about her parent’s profession, it was supposed to be the other way round

“What other country have you travelled to?” This question was from the fourth person sitting senior Abigail’s bed
“I’ve been to London, Japan, Hawaii and some other country as well. My family also has a vacation home in South Korea”
“Wow” They all exclaimed then senior Uju continued with the questioning
“Have you been to the palms in Japan?”
“Yes, we went there for Christmas vacation when I was 8 years old”

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