27 12 2

Thursday 7th November

Dear Diary,

I went to the health center the next day and this time I just told the nurse that I was exposed to cold because I washed my cardigan and I didn’t use my blanket properly
She gave me drugs to take with the malaria medication

Well I’m much better now, today’s diary entry has nothing to do with me,
It’s what I overheard from senior Daniella’s conversation with her sister,

Senior Daniella’s crush on Senior Tofa was really serious, throughout Tuesday she kept finding reasons to go to the Jss3 classes just so she could pass his class,

She kept a lookout to see whenever teacher wanted to enter Jss3c; Senior Tofa’s class so she could offer to help the teacher carry their books,

She even wrote her name down for counselling twice,
The first time, her counsellor was a girl but she wanted her counsellor to be Senior Tofa so she made up an excuse and avoided the counselling for that day
On Wednesday she tried her luck and put her name down for counselling again and this time luck was on her side, she got Senior Tofa as her counsellor, she was really excited and she told Hauwa, that’s her friend that seemed so fake to me

That’s where the problem began,

She told her about the counselling session and she asked to go with her, when they got there Senior Hauwa ended up taking her spot,

When they got to the hall, Senior Hauwa was perfectly fine, she was even making jokes but as soon as she saw that senior Tofa was done with the person he was counselling, she suddenly had a panic attack

The panic attack seemed so severe that Senior Daniella got really scared, Senior Hauwa had never such an attack before so she wasn’t sure how to respond

She was crying seriously, breathing heavily like there was no more air and she looked really scared

Senior Tofa noticed what was going on and he didn’t seem too alarmed, like he had dealt with something like that before,
He talked her through it, tried to take her mind off the panic she was feeling
It took a while but she finally calmed down

Senior Tofa asked Senior Daniella if he could counsel Senior Hauwa instead
The problem with that was that you can’t write your name down for counselling more than twice a week so if she allowed it she would have to wait till next week to get a counselling session with him
But she was willing to do it for her friend, so she agreed

When Senior Hauwa was going to the counselling room with Senior Tofa she had a smile on her face and Senior Daniella noticed it.

After the counselling session, she confronted Senior Hauwa and she finally got to know her true feelings towards their friendship

In Senior Daniella’s exact words, Senior Hauwa never thought of her as a friend. She was just someone that always had something to whine about and she didn’t complain because she had something to gain from senior Daniella

Senior Hauwa even had another counselling session with Senior Tofa on Friday and she said she was going to tell him that she had a crush on him and steal him from Senior Daniella

It wasn't like she even had him in the first place

I understand what it feels like to have a friend that you really trust and care about betray you and I kinda felt bad for Senior Daniella,

She might be out to make my life miserable but I feel like she still doesn’t deserve to be betrayed by her friend like that.

Senior Amarachi was ready to call Senior Hauwa and probably punish her for what she did to her sister

Nice to know that she actually has a heart,

Senior Daniella had to stop her because she didn’t want the situation to become worse, apparently a lot of people don’t like her and if they hear what happened, they would most likely take Senior Hauwa’s side
It would be even worse if they hear that senior Amarachi punished her because of a guy, people would think that senior Daniella cannot survive without her sister.

When I told Feyi what happened, her laughter was so loud
“Why do you have to be so mean?”
“I’m not being mean” she said in between laughs
“Yes you are, Senior Daniella might not be the nicest person but she’s still a human being with emotions and I feel bad that her friend hurt her like that”
"Human being with emotions?"
"Yes now"
"After all she did, you still think she has emotions?"
"Every human being has emotions"
"Maybe she's not human"
"Feyi this is serious, her friend betrayed her, I feel bad for her"
“This is why people take you for granted, you’re just too nice”
“One of us has to be the nice one”
“So you’re trying to say that you’re the angel in this friendship and I’m the devil right?”
She pretended to frown
“Maybe” I replied laughing at her failed attempt at getting angry at me

While we laughed and made jokes, I realized what a blessing it was to have such a good friend, I’m really thankful for her
(If she ever sees this part of my diary, she will never let me hear the end of it)

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