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Monday 21st October

Dear Diary,

The mid-term break went by in a flash and suddenly it was Monday morning,

Last night, I asked mummy if I could stay an extra day, she would've allowed me but daddy overheard our conversation and shut it down,

"What if you get punished for resuming late?"
"But Daddy, it's just one day" I tried to give him one of my pleading smiles, but it didn't work this time
"Dabira, no means no, I won't allow you to disobey school rules, you're just in Jss1, if you start this now, what will you do when you are in a senior class"

And that was the end of the conversation.
I woke up happy this morning, but that happiness quickly disappeared when I remembered that I was returning to school,

"Dabira, it's time for you to take your bath" Mummy said as she entered my room
"E kaaro ma" I greeted her in Yoruba
"Good morning, my princess, it's time to take your bath, I need to drop you off before going to work"
"Mummy, can't you convince Daddy"

I already knew her answer but that didn't mean I wasn't going to try,

"You heard what your father said, there's no use arguing with him"
"I know, but..." she cut me off
"Dabira, that's enough, your father doesn't want you to get punished, he's looking out for you"
"Yes mummy"
"That's a good girl, now quickly take your bath while I go and prepare something special for you"
I came down from my bed quickly and ran to the bathroom,

As we approached the gates of my school, the nervous feeling that i felt on my first day returned but this time it wasn’t the fear of the unknown, it was a fear of what I knew was going to happen,

Senior Daniella and her Devil sister had plans and I didn’t know when they were going to make good on their threats,

I'm just going to do my best to avoid any form of trouble with them, I know the things that made Senior Daniella angry so I was going to try to avoid them but the problem was Senior Amarachi, from our first encounter I knew that I didn’t have to annoy her for me to be in her black book,

I was just going to pray that she finds someone else to torment and forgets about me.

As we got to the front of our hostel, I saw Honour standing with her parents, I calmed down a bit, even if I was still worried about the devil sisters, it was nice and calming to see my friends.

"Honour" I called her, she turned to see who was calling her, it took her a while but when she finally spotted me she smiled
"Dabira, you came very early"
"Mummy had to drop me off before going to work, what about you?
"Same thing, my parents are very busy and so they had to drop me off early"

"Who is this" mummy asked when she came back from where she went to signed me in,
"This is my friend, Honour"
"Good morning ma" Honour greeted her,
"How are you dear?"
"I'm fine ma"
"Is this your best friend" that question was directed at me,
"No ohh, that's Feyiyemi, Honour is just my very close friend"
I turned to look at Honour, she had a look i didn’t recognise on her face but it quickly disappeared and she smiled at me,
Her parents called her and so she left to answer them,

I'm not sure why, but I think Honour is angry with me,

When we got into the dorm, she was very quiet and when I tried to talk to her she pretended not to hear me,

"Are you angry with me?" I had to ask her when I couldn’t take it anymore
"Do I look angry" she asked with her facial expression  showing that she was obviously annoyed
"Well, yes you actually do"
"See Dabira, I'm not angry"
"But you have..."
She cut me off before I could complete what I was saying
"Dabira, please,  can you let me breathe" Okay I won't lie, that shocked me
"What did I do?"
"Since we got into the dorm, you've been talking non stop, I'm trying to enjoy a moment of peace and quiet"
"I've been talking non stop?"
"Okay then I won't disturb you"

I turned to go back to my bunk, at that moment Feyi came in with her, dragging her box
"Feyi!!!" I was very happy to see her
"Of course, you're excited"
I turned back to look at Honour
"What does that mean"
"Your best friend is here, of course you're excited" she rolled her eyes at me,

I wasn’t in the mood to continue the conversation if she was going to continue with the nasty attitude so I ignored her and went to meet Feyi.

"I missed you ohh" I said as I hugged her,
"I missed you too, and I have gist for you"
She knows me too well, I love any kind of gist.

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