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Tuesday 27th May

Dear Diary,

The rumors and whispers were getting really annoying.

I was able to tolerate the jokes at first; some people didn’t even bother to joke at my back. They boldly made fun of me to my face, who might these bold people be?

If you guessed Jessica and Love, you’re absolutely right. They had a long laugh when they saw me during breakfast on Sunday; I considered skipping but Honour wasn’t having that so I had to suck it up and face everyone. But the moment I sat down, I immediately wanted to leave

“Oh Dabira, you look a bit sick” Love started the taunting
That girl makes me so sick
“She’s right, do you need to run away again” Jessica carried on from where her demon spawn of a friend started and then they started laughing like the joke was funny or something

I rolled my eyes at them and then Feyi did something to distract them
“The food prefect is coming”
That got them to stop laughing and turn to see if she was telling the truth, he obviously wasn’t coming but the attention was shifted from me and while Jessica was expressing her dislike about her the little prank, Feyi squeezed my hand softly and gave me a small smile before turning back to continue what she was doing

You would think the jokes would have to stopped by Monday but they became much worse, some people even came up with their own theories about why I ran off the stage. A few of them were funny while some of them were outright crazy, someone even said that I was pregnant and being on stage might have triggered my nausea, another person said I had a mental illness

I decided not to stoop to their level or respond to them, but by this morning, I was tired of hearing crazy stories being spun about me so I might have gone a little crazy on a classmate.
We were having a Physical Education practical class so we were on the school field and then when I went to the tap to get water I overheard some girls talking around the tap area so I hid and eavesdropped on their conversation

“I heard she has a mental illness” one of them said like it was the most fascinating secret, I actually laughed when I heard that
“I think it’s hereditary” another classmate, Claire said
Now that was a little too personal but I was going to keep my cool until she continued
“I saw her mom behave like a mentally ill person when she dropped her off after the second term mid-term break. She kept screaming and overreacting about everything like a crazy person” I was going struggling to keep my cool and then she dared to say “like mother, like daughter”

I saw red.

I used the bottle I was holding as a weapon and threw it at her without caring if it injured her but she got lucky because it just hit her arm and didn’t cause any injury but that didn’t stop me from attacking her. The scuffle attracted the attention of my classmates and the teacher, they were trying to pry me off her but I wasn’t going to let go until I had injured her, I made sure I scratched her arm and saw little blood before letting her go

She wanted crazy and that’s exactly what I gave her

My actions obviously didn’t go unpunished but I was very satisfied. The teacher made me kneel down throughout the whole class and then she sent Claire and I to the Vice Principal’s office and when I got there she just asked me why I fought, I told her the whole reason and she sympathized with me but she still had to give me some kind of punishment for fighting and injuring someone so I had to go for counseling every Tuesday for the next four weeks starting today.
She also scolded Claire for insulting someone else’s parent which was fun to watch

I was relieved that the punishment wasn’t too severe but that meant I had to face senior Tofa. I have been avoiding him because I didn’t feel like opening up to him about anything and going for counseling meant doing just that, I even considered switching counselors but that would make it obvious that I was trying to avoid him so I guess opening up it is

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