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First the lost of Midnight and now Bakugo. Who could have seen it coming. No one did. How could they have. With Midoriya still running off as he is. The hole schools in fear for his life next. I know I do. I look up to him. He's everything I want to be. He's friends with everyone. All the girl's love him. And not to mention the top hero at the time was his mentor. What elses could go wrong. I mean not to long ago Aoyama told us he was working with the Villeins. This is just. No much to handle.

I've try calling my parents to come get me. I may want to be a hero but sometimes this feel like to much. Like right now. I mean I still want to be a hero. Like really badly. But Aizawa has been talk to Nezu about sending everyone home. Even Aoyama with a cover story. But the thing being is. I don't think they have one yet. Maybe I need to leave my room. I've been in here for weeks. Well everyone has been in there rooms for weeks. Ever sense Bakugo die everyone has been doing online classes.

And it's not the worsted thing but I don't get to see the girls at all. All of them keep there Camara's off doing class. And that sucks. I guess I could go hang out with Denki. But, I know him Sero, Mina, and Kirishima are all still upset the most about Bakugo Death. I sighed. What to do. I mean I could always check to see who's on line. But I don't think anyone is. I mean even Vlad's class has been doing the same as us. But I don't want to change Monoma being online.

I sit up on my bed. Slowly rubbing my eyes. I've been laying in the dark for to long thinking. After about 3 minutes of rubbing my eyes. I decided that it was about time to turn on my light. I quickly scout to the edge of my bed. My feet dangle near the floor as I us my feet to feel for my slippers. As I do so my eye's start to adjust to the dark room around me. After a few minutes I could see my slippers. They were Allmight theme. Only because Midoriya looked up to him.

And was trained by him. I still want to take on some of the things that Midoriya would do. I mean I look up to him. Can't say I don't want to be like him. But I also noticed that I had taken the slippers off by my bathroom door. Meaning that they were out off foot range. I huffed as I stood off of my bed. I'm still going to get up and turn on the light. I look around the room to make sure nothing big was in my walk way. Can't say I see the smaller stuff.

It's still to dark for that. I grown as I step into something. Great what did I step in. I sigh as I made it to the light switch and flipped it up. Once the light's popped on I quickly closed my eye so they can adjust to the new Litten up room. I quickly raise my hands to my face to rub my eyes. After a few minutes my eye started to Adjust probably to the lighting with in the room. As I pull down my hands from my face. I look around my room. I've had ripped a good half of my posters off my wall.

I still had my MontLady poster and My Midnight poster. Now that she's dead. I think I reather keep it up for emotional support. I guess me and Midnight just had a unspoken bond of some kind. Her death really was a emotional ride for me and Mina. I signed as I look to the front of my room. In the back next to my bed was my desktop computer and a shelf of a few Manga's I've haven't had the time to read. I look around the rest of My room.

The rest was pretty bear. Just a few ripped posters on the walls. I quickly snapped out of looking at my destroyed posters and down to the floor. Now what did I step on. I mean it didn't hurts nor was it sticky. It toke my about 2 minutes to be eye to eye with my old stuff animal. Yep that would explain it. I sighed as I quickly walk over to it. It was a old stuff sloth. My grandma had gave it to me as a kid. I chuckled softly as I quickly picked it up. I muble before I thought it to my bed.

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