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Mineta (pov)

I sigh as I look down at my phone. I was thinking about text Aizawa about the pet I wanted. But with the little information I know about it. I don't think it's a good idea. I guess I could go bug Koda now. It's been a few days since the pets go there. So Koda shouldn't be to busy right now. I signed I pull away from my laptop. I quickly stood up and put my phone in my pocket. I look around for my keys for a minute. Just to find then hanging by the door.

I'm kinda glad I put them there. I quickly slide on my slippers before walking over to the door. I quickly grab my keys before walking out the door. The Halls where mostly empty. But I could see Vlad at the end of the hall by Midoriya's door. Midoriya's room is right next to Koda's. Got to say I feel bad for Koda. He must get ask every time he leave his room where's he going. I sigh as I quickly walk down the hall after locking my room. It didn't take me long to get to the other side of the hall.

" Good afternoon young Mineta. May I ask why you are down on this side of the hall? Your room is to the other side." I huffed as I responded to Vlad's question. " I'm just coming down this way to talk to Koda about a pet I may want to get. I want to know about it before I pick it " Vlad smiled before he responded. " That's every mature for you to do. It's always a good thing to know about a pet before you get it. What pet is it? If you don't mind me asking?"

I sigh as I responded. " I don't mind Vlad King. It's a Tafnonton. You may not know what it is. Here I have a picture." I quickly pull out my phone and show Vlad the picture.

" I quickly pull out my phone and show Vlad the picture

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"Well that is absolutely adorable Mineta. I can see why you would want it as a pet. It looks as if it would give the best hugs." I only chuckled in response before I nock on Koda's door. " Oh I should have mentioned Koda is talking to Sato right now." I sigh as I spoke up. " Yep that would have been go to know. I don't want to walk in on them kissing."

Vlad looked at me confused for a minute before responding. " I didn't know they where gay?" I quickly respond to him before the door. " There not. They are Pan." I quickly look at the door to see a blushing Koda. " Mineta! Did you need something?" I quickly respond. " Ya I wanted to talk to you about a animal. If your busy with Sato I can always come back later." Koda blush before he responded. " No no it's fine. What pet did you want to talk about really quickly." Ya I can tell he was busy.

I quickly respond as to not keep Sato waiting for Koda. " Well I want to get a Tafnonton as a emotional support animal. But I don't know enough about and can't really find anything on line about them either. Could you tell me a bit about them?" Koda smiled as he responded. " Ya Tafnonton aka pronounced as Ta-fun-on- ton are around 6 inches tall. They don't need to bathe as they bathe there self. There not once for being lefted alone and required a lot of attention. But there diets are very healthy. Mostly fruit and vegetables no meat."

I smiled as I quickly pull out my phone and write everything down. " Thank you Koda for the information is there anything else I should know before I go?" Koda stopped for a minute before responding. " Yes they also get ready attached to people and items. So if you do get a Tafnonton make sure you want to keep it keep it. Because otherwise they could emotional break like humans do. " I quickly nod as I finish writing it down. I go to thank Koda but once I look up his door is already closed.

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