𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟒

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Aizawa quickly rush out of the building. Where's Mineta? My eyes widen as I look behind me and see a line of his balls. Did he get away? Aizawa quickly stopped Infront of us all before he started to speak. " Everyone Midoriya has kidnapped Mineta I well be called all the pro hero's to look for them what I need you all to do. Is what you do best. Show the hero's how it done. Go help find them. If you find them call me and hind. Midoriya is unstable." Everyone frozen before they ran off. We need help.

Who would know about this. Well maybe Inko does. Midoriya's mother. I mean where is she thought? How are we going to find them. I quickly rush up to Aizawa as he gets on the phone. " Aizawa where in Midoriya's mother maybe she knows where we can find them?!" Aizawa quickly spoke up. " Yes hello Nishiya I need you to go down to the Midoriya house hold and talk to Inko about the location of her son's hind out is. " Aizawa quickly hung up the phone before he called a nothing person up. I sigh as I ran into the school.

I should get everyone looking for them. I quickly rush down to Nezu's office and quickly enter. "Principal Nezu please call up all the teacher and tell everyone to go looking for Midoriya he kidnapped Mineta and we need help finding them!" Nezu only nodded before he press a button under his desk. Soon is voice eco though the school. " Attention all students and teachers we have a kidnapping that has happened in the school. Please if you are free go and look for Izuku Midoriya and Minoru Mineta. Please keep in mine Midoriya is out of his. Thank you."


I finish calling up the pros as Nezu's voice ran though the school. Well at least Midoriya and Mineta should be found quicker. I sigh as I quickly run off the school ground and follow the ball. Once I get to the end of them I find a small group of my students there talk. " Which way do you think they went Iida?" Todoroki spoke out. " I don't know but I believe we should split up to look for them. Todoroki and Tokoyumi head over to the west. Tsuyu and Kirishima go to the norther side of town.

Sato and Shoji go to the South side of town and me and Sero will go the other way. If we find anything text each other and call Aizawa." They all nod before they ran off. I quickly turn around to see a bit off class 1B running up.  " Ok everyone Komori Shinsou and Kaminari follow Todoroki and Tokoyumi. Testutetsu me and Kendo will follow Kirishima and Tsuyu. Tsunotori Shiozaki and Fukidushi follow Sato and Shoji . And Lastly Shoda Bondo and Rin follow Sero and Iida. Don't let the out of your site and help them if they need it."

Well good to see them not fight for once I sighed as I quickly rush up to the highest closes build. Maybe I can get a better look around. Once I got to the top I look around. There is no sign of Midoriya or Mineta anywhere. " Aizawa me and Dragon had no luck finding them off the ground. Well keep looking though. But I'm going to meet up with Endeavor." I sigh as I responded. " Ok Hawks gust don't get destructed by Endeavor." Hawks quickly spoke up before he flew off. " Not like Dabi's going to be there. I'll be fine."

I quickly roll my eyes. I don't have time for that drama today. I quickly pull out my phone. No text yet and no calls. I huff as I quickly make my way down the building. I quickly walk back to the balls to see Yaoyoroza looking at the bad. " Question Hagakure if Midoriya was using Mineta's balls to run away why did he stop using them?" Hagakure didn't respond I quickly walked up and did it myself. " Most likely so they wouldn't be followed." Yaoyoroza quickly looked at me and spoke. " Correct. And if he did want to get followed.

Why would he go forwards and not behind the building and run down a different street." I smiled as I quickly rush behind the building. And there was a bit of a ale between the building over I quickly rush over and noticed a bit of blood. I guess Midoriya forgot Mineta bleeds when his quirk is over used. " Over this way girls." I yell out. Hagaiand Yaoyoroza quickly rush over. They smile as we started to walk. Looks as if we got are trail.


We quickly cought up to Shoto and Tokoyumi. When we stop we found are selfs at a old build. I quickly look down. This place snuck. As I look down I quickly noise a small drop of blood. I quickly look back to see a little line of it. It was hard to see in the dark. " Guys there's a line of blood. Midoriya most likely over used Mineta's quirk. Quick follow the blood inside." I quickly try to run pass them but end up get stopped before I can go in. " We need to ca up Aizawa first. That way the pro hero's can get here as well.

You forget that Midoriya is stronger then all of us here. For now let's hind it out. " I sighed as we quickly went to hind Tokoyumi quickly pulled out his phone and called up Aizawa." Aizawa we may have found something a old build. It has a small trail of blood leading to it." After a few minutes he hung up. " He said to stay here. A few heros will meet up with us in a bit. And what ever we do. We are to not talk to Midoriya. According to Aizawa he is unstable and isn't safe to be around."

Word count 1005

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now