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Takami (pov)

Patrol. Not how I would have seen this night playing out. For the past week I've been flying over the woods with Dragon looking for Midoriya. And with the little bit of information Aizawa gave me about where he could be hinding has come to no use. I huffed as I look down at the Million's and Millions of trees. No light and no footsteps found. Aizawa did tell me Midoriya was pretty clever. So I would have to look harder for him. I huffed as I stop at a tree top to get some rest.

Me and Dragon have been at this for a few hours now. To think of it I should check in with here. I quickly pull out my phone and dill her number. After a few minutes she picked up. " Hawks any luck on spotting Midoriya?" I sighed as I responded. " No luck ony end. But it get pretty late. We should pick back up on the search in the morning." I quickly scan the area as Dragon responded. " Well Hawks I think that's a great idea. But right know I think we should regroup before we go home for the night." I go to respond to dragon but stop.

My eyes catch something shining in the distance. " Dragon can you meet me by the big pine tree off the river of Shin?" Dragon responded insteadly." Ya I can Hawks. It may be a bit out of my range so it may take me 10 minutes. Why did you find something?!" I huffed as I quickly respond before hanging up. " I think I found something. Text me when you get here. I'm going to be looking in on what I just seen. I quickly put my phone away. The shine was a light.

Bingo. I smiled as I quickly flue down over to the litten up area. I stop right about the trees a toke a listen. " I can do it. There saver without me there. I miss them all. I miss mom. But no time for that Izuku. I have to find a new hide out soon. " Well that took way to long to find him. I stop to think for a minute before pulling out my phone and texting Dragon.

Midoriya (pov)

There's only so many places I can go now. There's a few old Villeins Hangouts forth in the woods. But pro heros Hawks and Dragon have been flying over head of the for the pass week. I find it lucky that they haven't found me yet. But that only means I need to be more careful with where I go next. Not as if they will find this place only me Kanchan and his old friends knew where this place is at. I really miss Kanchan. I miss everyone really. I sigh as I pick up a old pillow my mother made for me. " I miss you mom. But I promise. Once it's safe for everyone. I'll came back home."

I pull the pillow closer to my chest as I hug it. A bit of blood seam to get on it. " Well if you miss her so much why don't you come back home Midoriya. I heard she misses you a lot. Even gave Allmight a hear full about it." I quickly jump as I turn around. Well looks at if Hawks found me. I can't go back now. I still need to defend Shiguraki before it's safe to go back. I quickly huff as I quickly grab my bag." Hawks what a surprise to see you here."

I chuckled off as I started walking backwards. This hind out has a hinden exist. " We why do you think I'm here Midoriya. A little Birdy told me that you ran off. So I have to bring you back to UA as soon as I can." I sigh. I should have known Aizawa or even my mom would send out a search party for me. But my luck. Dragon seams to be no where in site. I give Hawks a smile before I quickly turn away and run out the backdoor of the hind out. I quickly picked up my speed and started running tords the far ends of the woods.

I could 100% out run Hawks flying after me. After a few minutes I slow down. I'm about 10 minutes away from Hawks and the old hangout. I relaxed a bit but freeze when a rope wraps around my chest. My eyes widen as I look up to see Dragon. I shouldn't have stop running. After 10 minutes Hawks cought up with us. " Great timing Dragon. Didn't think you'll get him in time." Dragon responded right away." Well it wasn't to hard. You had him running my way. And your text let me know he would be coming."

Aizawa (pov)

I sit back in my class room. I've just got back from my patrol with Endeavor. We looked though 20 old building's with no luck of finding this kid. With my luck Hawks and Dragon have done better. They are pro heros after all. And there job was a lot less stressful then mine was. All Endeavor talked about was if Todoroki was doing well in school and if he was using his quirk. Next time I think I rather pick Mic or Best Jeanist to go with me on patrol.

I grown as my phone rain. " Shōta Aizawa how can I help you?" I didn't even bother to look at the ID of the person who called. " Hey Sleepy bird!" It's Hawks. " Hawks please tell me you have some good news." I huffed out as I waited for a responses." Well Aizawa I have good news for you. We found the missing bird. " Bird? Oh he's talking about Midoriya. I quickly sit up as I pull out a piece a paper." That's great Hawks where are you three at. I'll meet up with you and take him off your hands."

Word count 1004

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