𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟑

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They all looked at me for a second before they spoke up. " There's no way Midoriya did that!" I sigh as I spoke up. " But he did. I seen it. That's why Mineta hass been in my line of site all day. I'm kinda scared to let him leave it." Mina quickly spoke up. " But what if he's lieing how do you know he didn't lie to you or plain that out with Midoriya?" Kirishima quickly answered her questions for me. " You ask Shinsou to help didn't you. You didn't believe him when he told did you.?"

I sigh as I responded with a simple head nodded. " Ya your right Kirishima. I didn't believe him when he told me. And when I seen Midoriya do it. I couldn't help but wanted to keep him safe. He was my first friend here. And I feel kinda bad if I where to just leave him like that." Sero quickly spoke up. " We don't blame you for not believe him I mean. I don't think I would have ether. But are you going to tell Aizawa about this. I mean he knows you did the stack out. So he's most likely to ask."

I sigh as I spoke up. " Ya I'm planning to tell he after I drop off Mineta to his room. I don't really want to do that. But Aizawa will get mad if he finds him here." They only nodded as the clock hit 7. " Ok everyone time to go. We have a hour before dinner and a nothing before bedtime." I quickly picked up Mineta and walked to the stairs. Mina Sero headed to the elevator and Kirishima went down the hall. I quickly walked Mineta to his room. He was still sleeping. I smiled as I get to his door.

I stop then I hear Aizawa speak up. " Kaminari what brings you here. I quickly turn around to notice Aizawa with a covered over something. " Well me and Mineta where hanging out and he fell so I was just dropping him off. I'm glad your here I needed to talk with you anyway Aizawa." Aizawa quickly nod as he unlock Mineta's door. I quickly walked in a layed him down on his bed. Aizawa quickly removed the cover for what ever he was caring and let a small animal run around the room.

" That's Mineta's new pet for now let's go talk. I sure Mineta and them can introduce there selfs." I only nod as me and Aizawa quickly left the room. " So Kaminari what did you want to speak with me about." I sigh as I spoke. " Something bad happened last night doing my stack out.," Aizawa looked at me comfused and waited for me to continue. " Well for one I got seen but that's besides the point I let myself get seen. But something happen around 10 when the camera's in the Halls stop working." Aizawa quickly stopped and looked at me.

I sigh as we hoped into the elevator. " Well Mineta also told me what happened to him when he went missing." Aizawa quickly stopped the elevator in it's track's keeping us from going down. " What did he tell you?!" Ok so maybe I should have told him earlier. " He told me that Midoriya had kidnapped him. But he says it's his fault." Aizawa looked at me for a minute before speaking up. " Well if what your saying is true that would explain Midoriya's weird behavior for the pass few weeks. But what happened last night in Mineta room?"
I quickly looked away before back to Aizawa.

" Midoriya broke in. And he did something to Mineta." Aizawa quickly looked at me comfused before he spoke up. " What did he do Kaminari?!" Aizawa voice sound consider and angry. I quickly spoke out. " He rapped him!" Aizawa eyes quickly widen. He the started back up the elevator. And pressed the bottom button. " Kaminari when this door open to to Iida and tell him to tell everyone to get out of the building. I'm going to head back up for Mineta. If he ask any other questions tell him to shut up " I quickly nod my head. The moment the elevator open I rushed down the hall.


Denki knows no much. It's not safe here anymore. I need to take Minoru with me and leave. Good thing I ran up the as Aizawa and Denki got in the elevator. I quickly rush down to Mineta's room. Aizawa left his door unlocked. I smiled as I quickly rush in. One I get in. I noticed a little fur ball on his chest. Looks as if Mineta got a pet. I huffed as I quickly remove it from him chest. I smiled as I quickly picked him up.

He looks so cute like this. I sigh as I quickly rush to my room leaving everthing I don't need as grabbing what I do. As I reach the window I hear Aizawa scream from down the hall. " Midoriya!" I quickly chuckled as I jump out the window. Grabbing one of Minoru's balls from his head to jump into. I smile as I bounced off of it. I spent the past few day making my shoes and clothing stick prof. Now I can use Mineta's balls to keep me at a good speed as I run off.

No one is taking him from me. I quickly stop behind a building and started to run from there. I can't leave a trail of balls behind me as I rush back to the hind out. After about a hour of right running I made it there. I quickly look around to make sure I wasn't followed before walking into the hind out. Most of it was already fixed and ready to live in. I just need to get everyone here's. But who's would be the next person. I mean I have mom and Minoru. I smile as I look down at him.

He is so cute. And he mines. Now all I have to do is get unite and here husband. Allmight as well as Kirishima. Him and Bakugo got a long so well. So me and he should be great friend.  No one is taking away what I love every again.

Word count 1055

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now