𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟕

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Denki (pov)

My pet is so cool. It flys and it so small. It's like a little mouse. I signed as I look around my room. Now that I think about it. I haven't talked to Mineta in a few days. I think last time I talked with him as on Monday when Midoriya came back. I guess I could go and hang out with him. I mean it's Friday now. So he should be free. Wait I the girls are having a sleepover tonight. I could talk to Mineta about sneaking into there rooms. Maybe even do a painty rad wall they are doing there sleep over.

I mean it shouldn't be two hard to convince him. He may even want to go change out what the first are doing at the sleep over. I quickly get up and pick up my pet. " Come on flying thunderstorm we are going to Mineta's room!" I said as I quickly pick up my pet. I don't think I ever want to give him up. Or let him down. (Turn around and dessert you!!!!!) I smiled as I quickly grab my keys and rush out my door locking it behind me.

Me being a bit impatient I quickly run up the stairs and rush down to Mineta's room. Not caring about Aizawa Yelling behind me. " Kaminari don't run down the Halls!" I stopped once I reach Mineta's door. I quickly nocked and waited for a response. After a few minutes the door open. " Hey Denki. What you doing here? I would have thought you would be playing with Flying thunderstorm." I quickly respond. " Well Flying thunderstorm is right here. And second do you wanna do something fun?" Mineta looked up at me confused before he ask me a question.

Mineta (pov)

"What kind of fun Denki?" I ask. Right now I really don't have anything plain. But if Denki wants to hang out that's cool by me. Denki quickly push's pass me and walks into my room. Well looks as if it a secret. " Well Mineta the girls tonight are having a sleepover in Hagakure's room. And I was thinking. Do you wanna do a painty rad? I mean all the girls will be busy and Maybe even later we can sneak into there sleepover. What do you say!?" I huffed as I stop to think for a minute. Last time I got blame for the peeking idea.

I mean. Denki is my friend. And friends covers each other's back. And I don't think it would be smart for him to go on his own. And I can get myself a pair of girls underwear. My older brother would be proud. " Why not! Sounds like fun Denki." Denki smiled as he spoke up. " That great. The girls have already started the sleepover. Who's room are we going to first!?" I chuckled as I know exactly whose room to go to first. " Why not Jirou's." I teased Denki.

His hole face darken. I know my friend. And I know he has one of the biggest crush's on her. "Come on. If we do her room first if we got cought I'll take a blame." Why did I agree to this. Ya right underpants. And my ship. Denki quickly nod his head. " Dill!! But Mineta you really need to stop taking all the credit. Your going to get kicked out one day if your not carful." I only chuckled as I responded. " They can try Denki but I was Aspect because of my intelligence and my quirk. I worked hard for it. And I don't think Nezu would have me removed.

I've heard stories that the girls in the old day here at UA used to be worse them me and you. So don't worry we will be fine." Denki smiled as we quickly got ready. I grabbed my lock picking case and my keys and phone. We then letters my room. I lock my door behind me. It didn't take to long for the elevator. But I did notice no one was watching Midoriya's room. I would have thought Aizawa would have been there. Or Vlad. Guess they are trusting him some more.

Once the elevator door open me and Denki quickly went in. " So once we get down stairs we have to sneak into the girl's side without getting seen which shouldn't be to hard." I nod as we reached the common room. Once the elevator door open me and Denki walked out but Froze once we noticed almost everyone was there. I quickly hind my lock picking Cass in my pocket. " Mineta Denki there you two are. We as a class where about to discuss something important come sit down." Iida spoke up. Me and Denki quickly picked a sit.

Denki was nervous. But Flying thunderstorm quickly calmed him down by snuggling into his neck. That's cute. I smiled as I look away. " Ok Iida what is this about?" Iida quickly respond. " As you all know Midoriya has been on house arrest. And as you all know Aizawa hasn't let anyone talk to him. And well i know a lot of you have had the thoughts to go and sneak into his room." Are you kidding me. If Iida is acting like this. What chance do I have on Sunday to get in. I quickly lot around the room to notice mostly everyone is upset.

Well maybe I can. " And you all need to know I can't let that happen. I know you are all concerned about Midoriya but do keep in mind. Midoriya is in trouble and could be dangerous. So me and Yaoyoroza have decided for all of next week the guys and the girls with be having sleepovers. The girls will be in Hagakure's room and the males in mines. I expected all of you to be there. " Well that's going to be hard to get out of. Or will it. I quickly start coffing. Shit didn't mean to do it that hard.

I coff a few more times before Iida spoke up. " Mineta I think it's best if you stay in your room if your sick." I quickly nod my head as I rush to the elevator. Fuck. I really need to stop drink sodas pass 5. They make me coff like crazy. But hey at I don't have to be apart of the sleepover. But guess the rads off. That's fine. I make it back to my floor. Once the elevator door open I hear yell. " Just let me go. It's not safe for me to be here Aizawa!"

Sounds as if Midoriya and Aizawa are fighting. No wander why I didn't seem Aizawa standing in the hall. I go to walk away from the elevator but my phone dings. I quickly open it to check what the notification was. After I opened it I noticed it was on Instagram. It as a class 1a tag. I quickly look at the person who posted it. Monoma. I quickly read of the post. ' 1A can't even control one student. I mean I believe he killed someone. I mean have you heard what they yell about.' confused I look down the hall to see Monoma running away.

Aizawa is so going to kill him if he find out about it. Maybe it could be a great way for me to sneak into Midoriya's room on Sunday. I can send him the text wall he's in Midoriya's room. And that can make him leave. I smiled as I quickly rush down to my room. Great plain Mineta. I coff as I open my door. I have dormmed myself with all this coffing!.

Word count 1286

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