𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏𝟖

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Mineta (pov)

I can't do this. Midoriya has been trying to follow me every sence that day. I can't get what he did out of my mind. I hated it. Yet I gave into. What does this say about me! I know I'm not gay. I like the girls. But Midoriya is a wired case. But I also noticed how Midoriya has been having a lot of emotional changes. As if he's emotions are switching on a dime. I've seen him go from happy to I'm going to kill you. And to say the least I want to stay away from him.

At least until I figer out what's going though my head right now. I huff as I walk into class. Everyone has there pets with them as they seam to be waiting for Aizawa. I quickly rush over to Denki. " Hey Mineta how are you doing?!" I smile as I respond to Denki. " I'm ok Denki. Also you know you can call Minoru right?" Denki chuckled for a minute before he responded. " Ya I know. It's just your Las name and first are quite similar so I usely go with the first one to pop up in my head."

I chuckled in responses to his reasoning. " Ya I guess that would make sense." I quickly look over to my desk and noticed Midoriya staring at me and Denki. Maybe I should try and keep myself off of Midoriya right now. I quickly look at Denki before I spoke up. " Hey Denki did you want to hang out after class today. We can play videogames or go out and do something." Denki looked at me sad before he responded. " Mineta did you forget your on house arrest after you randomly went missing for what felt like 3 days?"

My eyes widen. I had forgotten. I huffed as I respond. " Yes I did. But it wasn't 3 days. It was about a day and a half!" Denki looked at me confused as he spoke. " Minoru you went missing Saturday no one seen you all day. Then the following day you couldn't be found. And we only seen you on Monday because you came downstairs. And not to mention you didn't tell anyone what happened. Not even me!" Shit I had forgotten to tell Denki. Well not as if he'll believe a word I say. I sighed as I spoke up.

" Let's hang in my room then. I have a few videogames and some movies we can watch." Denki quickly looked at me before he responded. " Fine but you have to explain what happened to you wall you where gone." Shit. Not like he'll believe me. I signed as I nod my head yes. " Then it's a bro day." I chuckle as Mina quickly spoke up after Denki did. " More like a bro date!" My eyes widen as I turn to look at Mina. I could also see Midoriya who wasn't happy about Mina's comment.

Denki quickly laugh as he responded. " Nice Joke Mina. " I quickly chuckled as I look away from Midoriya. This is so weird and awkward.

Kaminari (pov)

Now that's weird Mineta seams highly on gard. And usely he goes straight to his seat. But I can't help but notice him trying to avoid Midoriya. He's been doing it for the pass two days. Did something happen between the two. Or am I just missing something. I look up at Mineta. He keeps looking over at Midoriya. And Midoriya seams to be looking at us. Ok that's a little creepy. Maybe I should talk to Midoriya or Aizawa about it.

" All right class everyone to your sets now!" I jump at Aizawa speaking. When did he get here. I mean it. We need to put a bell on him. I sigh as Mineta walked away. " Talk to you later Denki." He sound upset about something. I smile as I responded. " Sure thing dude!" I quickly watch Mineta as he got to his seat. He quickly sat down and avoided looking at Midoriya. Ya there was 100% some tension between the two. Maybe tomorrow I can do a stack out on Mineta's room! But I'll have to tell Aizawa first.

That way I can be dismissed from class. And it count's as training so I can't really get in big trouble about it. " Ok class today we are going to be talking about." I quickly drowned out Aizawa speaking as I deepen my thoughts. I mean what could of happen between the two? Well I guess I need a Detective to solve this one. Or I can just do it myself. I can always just ask Midoriya about it. I hope he won't mind me asking him. I quickly look back at Mineta to notice Midoriya trying to talk with him.

Midoriya (pov)

I need to find out what Denki is playing to do with my Minoru! I smile as I lean back a bit to speak to Minoru. " Love bug what where you and Denki talking about. " Minoru didn't respond. He just looked away from me. I huff as I repeat myself. " Minoru what was your conversation about?!" Minoru still didn't answer. Ok maybe if I. I quickly stopped that though prose as Aizawa spoke up. " Midoriya no talking in class Mineta is trying to learn back there. Detention and if you questions it I'll may it one week."

I huff as I turn away from Minoru and back to the fry. If Minoru won't tell me I'll ask Denki later tonight about it. I quickly look over at Denki to notice him watching me and Minoru. I quickly balled up my hands with a good bit of my pants in my fist. I quickly look away and down. I need to stay calm. I quickly take a few deep breaths as I calm myself down. No one is taking what I love away again. And if that mean need to show Minoru he's mines I will. He is mines.

Word count 1005

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now