𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟓

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I open my eyes to see I'm back in the same brick up walls and Dark oak floor room. Did Midoriya really brag me back here. I quickly sit try my best to sit up. I am on the bed . I quickly look around the room and frozen when I noticed Midoriya. " Minoru your awake! I'm so glad. I would have thought you would be asleep a bit longer. Well no problem with that. Now let's snuggle until morning. And then we will head out for a new place to live." Shit I need to help snap him out of this.

He quickly walked over to me. I then push myself into the corner of the wall. Midoriya looked at me pissed off before he spoke. " It's Kaminari isn't it. Your in love with him. And not me. Well I can show you. He can't have you." My eyes widen as Midoriya starts to rush to the door. I quickly pull off one of my balls and throw it at him. Hoping it would keep in in place. But the ball just fell to the ground. Midoriya quickly turn to look at me with a smile. " Minoru why did you do that?"

That shouldn't of happen. What's going on. Midoriya quickly walked over to me. " Minoru I love you I do I really do. But I can have you do stuff like that. I'm going to have to tie you down." Midoriya stopped. Why did he stop. " It seams we have visitors. Looks as if we are leaving now. Don't need anyone finding us now can we. " Midoriya quickly picked me up the throw me over his shoulder. It didn't along for him to rush us out the back door.

As we get further away from the building I see Hawks land behind us looking at the building. " Hawks please help!" I quickly scream. Midoriya quickly slaps my ass and picks up his speed. I look up to see Hawks running after us. Please and I mean please help me. I swear I'll Never. Well I do my best to not look at girls again. Just please someone help me. A few tears fell down my check as Hawks soon faded from my site. No please no. Midoriya quickly stopped for a minute before throwing me to the ground. " What was that babe. Do you not want to see me again."

I quickly started to crawl away from him. Midoriya noticed and grab my lags dragging me under him. " Why can't you see it Minoru. I love you so much. Yet you keep trying to run from me. Let me help keep you safe!" Midoriya has lost it completely. I quickly kick Midoriya where the sun don't shine and run off back to the building. I quickly pull off a few balls as I picked up my speed. Maybe I can get there . My speed only increase. My eyes widen as I see Hawks and Aizawa.

" Aizawa Hawks!" I yell out. The both looked at me and frozen. My eyes widen as a pair of arms wraps around me. " Nice try hunny. But we go to go. " Midoriya quickly started to run. Only stopping when he lost his speed. My eyes widen as I look up. Aizawa. I smile as I try to pull away from Midoriya. Midoriya only started to run again keeping a strong hold of me. " Midoriya this is Chao's please stop this. " Midoriya quickly hide behind a tree and quickly picked up his speed after eyes Aizawa's eye where off him. " No it's not. It's love"

My eyes widen as I yell back. " Your love is Chaos Midoriya please stop!" He didn't stop only picked up his speed. After a few minutes we where at a only broken down tree that sat above a complete drank river. Where are we? " Kanchan I have a boyfriend." Oh he has lost it. Midoriya quickly walked us into a small hide out. " Minoru this is mine and Kanchan hind out. We come here all the time to get away from are mom's. Here we can be safe for ever. " I have to tell him.

" Midoriya please listen to me! What you are doing right now is wrong. I don't love you. And you need help. I care about you ok. But I don't want to see you hurt. Midoriya what your doing writing now will get us all hurt. So please stop and rethink what you are doing." He only looked at me for a minute before he started to laugh. " Nice Joke hunny. But here no one can find us. We can live here and be happy forever!" My eyes widen. I need to nock Some sense into him. Midoriya quickly looked away from me.

Here's my chance. I quickly pick up to things. I quickly go to hit Midoriya but he grabs my arm. " What on earth do you think your doing. That it I'm showing you who's the boss around him." Midoriya quickly grab the ideam from my one hand. I quickly hit him in the head with the others ideam. Midoriya quickly fell to the ground. My eyes widen as I quickly pull his head to my lap. I feel so bad for doing that. But it had to be done. Midoriya has lost his mind. And I don't want him to get hurt because of it.

After a few minutes I hear yelling. " Mineta! Midoriya! Where are you." It sounded like Denki. " Denki!" I quickly yelled back. After a few minutes he quickly ran in with Aizawa. " What happened here?!" Aizawa quickly asked. I sigh as I stand up and hug Denki. " I nocked him out. He should be fine though. Let's just get out of here." Aizawa just nod as he picked up Midoriya. Denki quickly picked me up as we walk out of the woods. Maybe now everthing can go back to normal. Midoriya love. Was Chaos. But at least I know he cared about me.

Word count 1009

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now