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Aizawa (pov)

No sign of Midoriya anywhere. But we had a clue to where he could have been. But it just lead us around in circles. I could always ask his mother about any place he may go and hind. But I'll have to talk to her about that later. If anything Midoriya is a smart kid. I wouldn't expect him to hind anywhere that would be on patrol by any hero's. So I would have to get a list of places that most hero's wouldn't go on petrol at. But right now I need to talk with Nezu.

A hand full of the students have already send me what pets they want. So I should discuss this with Nezu before I have the pets delivered over. I with hesitant go up from my set. With the class room being empty I've been spending most of my time here resting. I quickly scout out the room. Sometimes some of the students like to play 'stack out'. Which is a great way for them to learn how to keep a eye on Villeins Hangouts. Now that I think about it. Midoriya could be hiding in a old Villeins Hangout. I sighed as I walk over to the door.

The room was clear. I huffed as I turned off the lights and lefted the room. If Midoriya is hiding at a villein old hangout it could be dangerous. I grown as I walk down the hall. I have to get to Nezu's office. The school seam to be mostly empty today. To my surprise not even class 1C is around. Not my problem. My problem child are in there rooms. I quickly make my way to the principal's office. I go to nock but stop at the sound of yell. " You let my baby die you assholes!"

Why am I not surprised she's here. I mean I expected her to be mad or ready upset. But I was going to hope I wasn't going to bump into her. " Please calm down dear. I know you and Inko are really upsetting about this. But please try and calm down. Knowing the pro hero's they are most likely on he look out for the ones who did it." Well guess Midoriya's mom is here as well. Guess that will save me that phone call. I take a deep breath before nocking on the office door.

I waited a minute for a response. " Please come in." Sound as if I saved Nezu. I quickly open the door and shut it behind me as I entered the room. I stood still once I noticed Bakugo's mother being held by his father from betting up Nezu. Ya I would say great timing. " Well hello there Aizawa. It's great to see you. I would expect you have some kind of update for us?" I sighed at his question. " Yes I do have a update. But I also do need to talk with you about somethings." Nezu nodded before speaking up.

" Alright then I'm sorry lady's and sir. But I need to speak with my staff for a minute. Please do wait outside wall I do so." Midoriya's mother got up with out a question and open the door. Bakugo's dad insteadly picked up his wife and cared her out. I quickly spoke up bed Midoriya's mother could leave. " I would like to take with you after I finished talk with the Principal Miss. Midoriya. " She only nodded as we walked out the door follow Bakugo's parents. " So Aizawa what kind of information do you have for me?"

I sighed as I toke a set Infront of Nezu. " Well as you probably know. The pro hero's went out looking for Midoriya. We found out that the information we where informed about came back as false. So we are back to square one again with Midoriya. But I may have a few ideas on where to search for him next at. But I will have that worked on later today after I speak with Miss Midoriya." Nezu quickly toke a sip of his tea before responding. " Do tell me. Where are you going to be looking for Midoriya at Aizawa?"

I sighed as I respond to his question. " There's only a few places he could have gone and is able to avoid hero's patrol's. " Nezu seam to pick up on what I was say before he spoke up again. " So I take it as your going to be rading some old building's then. Now moving on from that topic. You most likely have something else to talk with me about. I assume I would be correct." I quickly nod my head as I respond. " Yes you would be right." I pause for a minute before I continue to speak.

" I have received a request for the students to help them doing this emotional time." Nezu only nod as he rolled his hand to tell me to continue speaking. " Mineta has requested that everyone to receive a emotional support animal. So I have come here to talk with you about it." Nezu quickly put down his tea gently as he spoke up. " I see no probably with that idea. If I recall probably one of your students are required to have a pet on them to help with training. Well they can us this time as a great Opportunity to train more."

I relaxed a bit as I stand up." Thank Nezu for your time. I'm going to tell the students the great news later." Nezu only nodded. I sighed as I turn away and walk over to the door. Now I just need to talk with Midoriya's mother. I quickly open the door and walk out. And to the left of me is Midoriya's mother waiting for me. Bakugo's parents seam to have lefted. Which saves me a lot of headaches. " So I have a question to ask you." Miss Midoriya quickly stood up and walked over to me.

"What is your question Aizawa?" Shit I can tell this hole thing is eating her up. I don't think I've ever seen her this upset. " Do you by chance know of any place's that Midoriya may go to. We searched the town mostly. And we couldn't find him. Is there a place that only you or maybe anyone know he could be?" Midoriya started to wall a bit. I quickly caught up with her. " Well I can only thing of a few. But only one comes to mind when it comes to him hinding for everyone."

Now that is is useful information." So please do tell me where this place is. I would love to bring him back home safe." Even though he will be put on house arrest for his little stunts. He will be safe. " Well I don't know fully where it is. All I know its in the woods near some kind of river. So I would check there. From what I know they had a little club and hangout there with a few friends when they where younger. If I recall correctly Izuku would go there almost every day to get some air." I quickly nod my head as I respond.

" Thank you so much for tell me this. I promise Midoriya will be safe and ok when he gets here. Now I got to go make a few calls today. I'll keep you updated if we find me." Midoriya mother only nodded before she walked away. I turn to continue back to my class as I hear Miss Midoriya yell. " Toshinori promise the same thing when he said he would train Izuku and now looks at him. If Aizawa is lieing to me I'll rip him to pieces" holy hell that woman is crazy.

I thought Bakugo's mother was crazy. But I think I may have been wrong on that. But I didn't know she was on first name basics with Yagi. I sighed as I continue back to my class room. Well I can call up Tatsuma and Takami to go fly over the woods and see if they find anything. I mean with the number 2 hero by her side. Tatsuma should be able to find out something. And I could go out tonight with Endeavor to check out some old Villeins Hangouts. I know there's not many out there. But it shouldn't be to hard to find him if he is in one of them.

But I also have to call up the pet store. I'll most likely tell Vlad about it later as well. Knowing him. He most likely had done it before. I huffed as I reach the door of the classes room. I have a lot of people to call.

Word count 1463

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