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Denki is doing a lot better now. Aizawa said something yesterday about the pets being here later today. And I can tell you this. Everyone is excited. But I don't really know what pet I want. I've been joking around and have been asking for a Pomeranian or Chihuahua for the past week. And that joke has gotten me yelled at a few times now. But I don't care. I'll most likely keep ask until I think of a proper pet I want. I know Kirishima said something about a bearded dragon. I only found out he was talking about a lizard.

But I guess calling it a dragon is cool. I mean it's unique looks makes it look kinda like a miniature dragon. But I guess it has that name for the fact that it's in closer relations to a dragon well a dinosaur. I know Mina said something about a guinea pig. I think Denki said he was getting a flying squirrel. I've seen the pictures they are cute. If I recall correctly Sero said something about a spider. Don't think it's a good idea. But some spiders are safe a cool to be around.

I huffed as I scroll through YouTube. I still haven't found any pets I would want. And I've looked though a lot of videos. The only other per that comes to mind would be a Tafnonton. ( Just made up the name ok but you get a picture)

 ( Just made up the name ok but you get a picture)

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It kinda reminds me of a fuzzy koala. But I don't think Aizawa could get it for me. But there's also no much information know about them ether. Maybe I can ask Koda about them. As long as he's not being all blush blush around Sato. I huff as I set up on my bed.

I sat my phone down next to as I quickly got up. But I instantly fell back down. Everything went black for a few minutes. Shit I need to be careful. My size isn't the best for getting up fast. I stay laying down for a few minutes before I sat up again. I should do it slowly. I sigh as I slowly get off my bed. I smiled as I look around my room. I've done some clean and final clean up all my ripped posters. The only ones up are of Midnight and Shinya Kamihara aka Edgeshot.

I'll work on getting my old ones replaced if possible. I huff as I look over at the door and down. I lefted my slippers over there this time. I huffed as I quickly go and put them on. I relax as I go to open the door. I only stop when. My phone buzz's. Did someone text me.? I sigh as I walk back over to my bed to pick up my phone. I quickly unlock it and look at the text. ' Students please make your way down to the common room. This is important!' I huffed as my plains have changed.

I was only going to be heading down the hall now I have to go downstairs. I huff as I grab my keys and put them in my pocket with my phone. I then walk out of my room. As I go to lock my door I hear the door next to me open. After I lock the door I look over to see Tokoyumi and Darkshadow. I quickly wave and Darkshadow almost immediately responded. " Hoi Mineta heading downstairs as well!?" I chuckled as I responded. " Ya I think everyone is." Tokoyumi huffed as he spoke.

" I wish to be back in my room already. But the darkest of the world calls for us. Let's go you two. Don't want to keep Aizawa waiting." I quickly nodded as I followed behind him. Me and Tokoyumi and Darkshadow had to wait for the elevator to came back up. Guess we missed the first one down because we where talking. We only ended up stop on the next floor to pick up Iida before getting down to the common room. Almost everyone was there. I quickly went and sat next to Denki. I'll talk to Koda later about the pet I want.

" Hey Mineta do you know why Aizawa texted everyone?" I look up at Denki to respond to his question." No. But it could be about us getting are pets today. Or maybe they found Midoriya." Denki quickly smiled. Ya I guess them telling us they found Midoriya would make everyone here smile. We haven't seen him in a few months. My eyes quickly jumped to the door as Aizawa walked in. Hum. Didn't look as if anyone was with him. But maybe it's because he wants to surprise us. I hope not. Last time he surprised us.

I believe over half the class could walk for a week. " Hello everyone. As you know I have called you all down here for a important reason. One all your pets are here. And they will be brought in after I leave. Some of you had to get different pets because they where not safe or where every inappropriate choice's to have been asked for. So if you don't get a pet today. Text me with a picture of the pet you want and I will get back to you on it." So we are getting are pets today.

Denki seam a bit upset it was just pets but hey. At least he'll have something to keep him happy that's not video games. " Now with the second Surprise." Second. I look around at everyone to see them confused. But Denki spoke up infection of immediately. " Did you fine Midoriya is Midoriya the second Surprise!?" Everyone quickly popped up at Denki's quickly. Aizawa sighed before pulling out his phone. Is he texting someone. after a few minutes Endeavor walled in with Midoriya Infront of him. Almost everyone quickly hopped up and trued to go hug Midoriya. They only stop when Aizawa spoke up.

Yes I know you all are happy to see Midoriya. As am I. But as you should all be made a ware of. Midoriya is being put oh house arrest for a bit and isn't going to be allowed to leave his dorm room. So I will need a few of you every day to bring him breakfast lunch and dinner. Most likely me or a nothing teach will be in the room as he eats. After a week or two Midoriya will be allowed to leave his room. In no circumstances are any of you allow in his room until then."

Ya I guess that would happen. With Midoriya being a bit of a antihero. I would say simpler to what batman is. I would understand the house arrest thing. Endeavor quickly walked Midoriya over to the elevator. I quickly spoke up as the elevator door open. " It's good to see you again Midoriya!" After I spoke up everyone else said the same thing I did. As the elevator door closes Midoriya smiled. It didn't take long for Aizawa to speak up. " Now I'm going to be leaving I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.

As well as the time with the pets you choose." And just like that Aizawa quickly left the room. After he left a man walked in with a bunch of pets. I sigh as I decided to walk up the stairs to my room as everyone gets there pets. I don't think I'll be able to talk with Koda. I think everyone has questions for him today. I quickly walk up the stairs but stop on my floor once I see Midoriya and Endeavor. I waited a bit for Midoriya to enter his room before I walk down the opposite way to get to mines.

Guess Aizawa is serious about not letting anyone talk to him or get to close to him right now. Maybe I'll go check in on him next week. Don't know if I'll be able to get pass Aizawa though.

Word count 1348

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now