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Before you go on into the his book please read this chapter all the way though. Thank you.

1: Why did you think of this book?

* before I started writing this book I worked on a short book. It was a Mineta X Class 1A boys short book. (and I still updated it when I ever I finished one of the chapter's)

* Someone had ask for a part 3 for the book. But I have been thinking about making it a full on book. So I'm going to be making it a book.

2: Your grammar and spelling is kinda bad 😞😞.

*Ya you are right. But that's why I write. It helps me get a better grasp on my spelling and grammar.

* And I bet you you even read my first book on here you would scream at how bad the spelling and grammar was. XD.

3: What should I expect wall reading this book.

* Well Mineta X Midoriya
*Mostly Radom ships (if I know of the ship I may show bits of ships in the store like Todoroki and Sero, or Sero and Denki. It's bound to happen. XD
*⚠️SMUT⚠️ ( yes there will be smut. And mostly like quite a bit of it.)
* ⚠️Rap⚠️ ( yes this one and the one above go hand and hand on what could happen.)
*⚠️ Thoughts of death to others or One's self. ⚠️ ( You will most likely read it in later chapters.)
* Boy X boy
*Girl x girl
*Girl x boy
*This story will be told form both characters POV/ point of view.

4: why Mineta? 🤢

* Well Mineta. Well I picked Mineta because one someone asked for more chapters to the Midoriya chapter.

* Mineta is one of the side characters we know basically nothing about. ( Like do you know who his parts are? Or dose he have any siblings? What was he like in middle school? Ya I didn't think so .

* Also can I be a bit upset that we know more about Mina then Mineta!!!! -.- not happy about it but let's continue.

*Mineta is also one of smartest people in UA. He is even smarter then Lida. And yes he is. If he was to study more often he would be rank 2 in class and not 9.

5: But Mineta is a pervert

*.... To be honest so are most of the fandom. And don't tell me I'm wrong.( I mean if it was a Midoriya x Bakugo book a good part of the fandom would read it  for real if it was a Midoriya X read a lot of ya would read it. )

* Also so is Denki ( and don't give me that 'but he's not that bad' yes he is. It's just not Mineta)

6: um.. what about Mineta and his speech.

* Well that's a easy one to answer. In every other version of the MHA in different languages Mineta only seams to have a lisp in the English one. So I will not be bring up his lisp unless I feel as if he would be stuttering over his words. (Because I would believe he's starting to get better with his speech because of Mic.)

7: well I don't approve of the book .

* Then don't read it
* Don't comment on it
* And Don't make others feel bad about reading this book.
* Also don't be homophobic in chat. (I will mute you so that you can't respond any more )

8: I want to support your writing but I don't want to read this book

* That's completely ok. I do writing other books. ( Like Fnaf, OCS books 'working on those ones' and other things)

And lastly thank you for giving this book a chance. This book will be fully posted once I finish writing it. Meaning the hole store should be here as you reading so enjoy and your word count is down below.

Word count 658

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