𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟎

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Where is Denki? I haven't seen him all day today. And Midoriya keeps looking at me. He's really freaking me out. I quickly look around the room. Maybe I can destruct myself from Midoriya gaze. Well I can talk to Koda. I could always learn something new about the pet I want. Or I can talk to Ojiro about helping me train. I am kinda week compared to my fellow classmates. I do believe that's because of my quirk. But I don't know completely. " All right class is dismissed for the day." My eyes widen. I completely forget it was the end of the day.

I quickly packed up my things before walking over to Bakugo's old group of friends. "Hey Mina I have a question." Mina and the other stopped to look at me. " And is it a PG question or do you need to get slap?" I rolled my eyes as I respond. "Pg now can any of you answer it?!" Mina looked at me as if I was lieing before Sero spoke." Ya I can give it a shot. What's the question Mineta?" I huffed as I quickly spoke up. " Have any of you seen Denki today?"

Mina insteadly relax before responding to my question." Hi no we haven't. We we're kinda planning on asking you that. " Well shit. I huffed as I go to walk away. " Why are you looking of him anyways Mineta." I quickly turn around to look at Sero to respond to his question. " I just wanted to hang out with him today. But that's ok. Of you find let him know I was looking for him." I quickly turn away and started to walk to the dorms. I look back over my shoulder to notice Midoriya talking with Mina and them.

Ok Midoriya has gone crazy. I quickly rush up to my room and lock my door. I quickly fall back agents the door and slide down to the ground. " Why me?! Why me!?" I muble as I cry. Is it something I did and said. I mean it has to be. " All I did was go talk to him. And now he follows me around like a lost puppy that wants to fuck something." I grown as I quickly go to my desk and pull out a pair of PJs from the doors. A lose over size tank top and a pair of shorts.

I huffed as I quickly undressed in my room. I want to keep a eye on the door to make sure Midoriya doesn't come in. I then quickly get dressed before folding up my uniform and placing it in the door. I quickly shut the door as I flop down on my bed. Maybe I should ask Aizawa about my pet. I mean he didn't tell me no. But he also didn't tell me yes. Maybe I should really just wait and see what happens. I'll play some video games for a bit.

Midoriya (pov)

I huff as I walk away from Mina. Why did he care so much about Denki. What does he have that I don't. I huffed as I quickly calm myself down. I need to get ready. I have a busy night a head of me. I quickly rush over to the dorm room. A few of my classmates stood talking in the common room. I didn't pay attention to them and went to the elevator. Once it open I quickly walked in and click the button for my floor. Once the elevator door closed I huffed out. " Minoru your going to be mines."

I muble to myself for a few minutes before the elevator door open again. I quickly relax and rush down to my room. All I have to do is wait for tonight. I mean it won't be that long. And I'll get to see my love Minoru again. And he'll see he's mines. Now that I think about. I'm going to have to bring him back to the hind out again. I don't want to change him getting hurt or. Falling in love with anyone else. I won't lose him because of some girl or Denki.

I huffed as I walk over to my closet. I quickly open it and pull out a t-shirt and some short's.  I quickly shut the door as I walk away. I quickly look at my pillow. What if his door is locked. I can always take him lock picker with me. I smile as I quickly pull it out from my pillow cases. I then throw it on the bed and throw my bagpack on top. I huffed as I walk over the tye baiand change my clothes. I need my rest now. Otherwise I won't be able to pleasure Minoru.

I sigh as I then brush my teeth. Once I finish I then walk out into my room with my clothes. I quickly sat them down on my desk. I then walk over to my bed and move my bagpack and the lock picking case to a different location. I then rush over to my door and turn off my lights before heading back to my bed to rest. I quickly before closing my eyes set a alarm to wake me up around 10. Tonight is going to be a fun one. I smile as I close my eyes. Time for some rest.

I grown as I wake up to the buzzing of my phone. I'm glad I put it to silence before before I feel asleep. I quickly get up and grab Minoru's lock picking case and my keys to my room. I quickly check the time. 10:05. I smile as I rush out my door locking it behind me before making my way to Minoru's room. I quickly put my ear to the door. No sound. That means he's sleeping. I smile as I open up the lock picking case. I quickly pull out the few tools I need to open his door. I smile as I quickly walk in and lock it behind me.

Word count 1022

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now