𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟐

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After last night I haven't left Minoru's side. I can tell the hole Midoriya think is really getting to him. I knew I should have did something. But with how Midoriya was acting I'm glad I didn't. Not to mention he's been waiting me all day. And I know why. He's waiting for Mineta to tell me he doesn't want to be friends anymore. But I also noticed Aizawa seems to be watch us as well. He's most likely waiting for me to tell him about my stack out. But what am I supposed to do.

I want to tell Aizawa about. But I don't know if he will believe me or not. I mean Mineta trusted me with the information he gave me. And I just want to tell Aizawa everything he told me and everything I seen. I quickly rush over to Mineta. " Hey Minoru I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?!" I need to keep him away from Midoriya. " Sure Denki what did you have in mind?" I smile as I quickly picked him up before walking over to my other friend. " Guys I got us a nother person to join us tonight!"

Mina quickly turn to look at me but because a bit upset seeing Mineta. Sero didn't seam to say anything. Wall Kirishima quickly spoke up. " I have no problem with it as long as he keeps his hands to himself." I quickly sat down Mineta next to me. " Don't worry about. Anyway as long as Midoriya doesn't come with us. We should be fine." Mina quickly looked at me comfused about my statement. " Why can't Midoriya come?!" Sero only looked at me . Kirishima didn't say a word. He seam to be looking somewhere (over the rainbow 🎶🎵) over my shoulder.

" Well I just don't want to hang out with Midoriya this time around. I mean he's still recovering and stuff and I don't want to bug him." Mina just nodded her head. Sero look down at Mineta before speaking up. " Hey Mineta is that a hickey?" My eyes widen as I look down at Mineta. He didn't respond. I sigh as I picked him up. " Don't worry about it. Let's go hang out." I quickly spoke up. As we start to walk Midoriya spoke up from behind us. " Hey Minoru Denki wait up. " I quickly sat Mineta.

"Mineta go with Sero and the others." He just nodded his head before he ran off to them. " Denki where is Minoru going?" I huff as I responded to his question. " It doesn't matter Izuku after what you did. I would expect him to not want to be near you." Midoriya quickly looked at me pisted off. He then look up and down the hall before he started to walk tords me more. " Now you listen here you over size battery. If you at so much even look at MY Minoru I'm going to over change your brain do I make myself clear."

I look at him completely scared. I look behind him to notice Aizawa leaving the classroom. I got this. " I don't know what is the matter with you Midoriya but what you said is no way to talk to a friend. Talk to me when you stop being such a bitch!" Holy hell that felt wrong. I quickly turn away from him and walk away. As I do I hear Aizawa speak up. " Midoriya please go to your room and stay there until tomorrow." I smile as I hear Aizawa speak as I walk down the hall.

Once I got to the dorm Mineta was sitting on the couch with Sero Mina and Kirishima. I quickly walk over to them. " Hey guy let's go hang out in my room." I quickly picked up Mineta and walked over to the elevator. The others quickly joined me as the doors open. I quickly press the button as I walked in. " So Denki what did Deku want?" It's strange hearing people call him Deku again. " Nothing important." I quickly spoke up. I am 100% going to talk with Aizawa about this later. Mina only nodded as the elevator door open. We quickly walk out and down to my room.

Once we got once we got in I filled up Flying thunderstorm food bowl before I sat Mineta down on my bed." So what do you guys want to do first?"


What was that all about. I don't think I've ever seen Kaminari so upset with anyone. And not to mention he didn't tell me how the stack out went. I huffed as I quickly open my laptop. I got email. I grown as I open it. ' dear Shōta Aizawa the pet you have requested will be at the school within a few hours.'

Well guess Mineta is going to be really happy about that. He's been waiting for it for a while now. I should text him about it later. I quickly huffed as I look at my empty classroom. Midoriya has 🐝 acting weird ever sense Saturday night. And not to mention him going missing all day on Sunday. Maybe I should take a look into who's Midoriya's boyfriend is. I haven't seen him kissing or hugging anyone really. But he has been keeping a real close eye today on Denki. Most likely he knows something.


After a few hours Mineta fell asleep. " Hey Denki now that Mineta is sleeping tell us why you wanted him to hang out with us?" I look at Sero as he spoke. I sigh as I look up at him. I know I shouldn't but. I can't bear to see him like that all the time. " Ok if I tell you all this you can't laugh nor can you say I'm lieing being I'm not." Kirishima quickly looked at me comfused before he spoke up." We promise. Now tell us." I sighed as I spoke up to them.

" Midoriya isn't to be trusted."

Word count 1007

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now