𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟔

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After what happened Midoriya was taken to a tharitpist. But from what we heard he was doing well. Aizawa keeps us updated about him. But because of the hole Midoriya think. I found out I was bi. And my hole family throw a party about it. It was so embarrassing. I huffed as I walk into class. This has been a crazy few months. I sigh as I enter the class room. Once I did my eyes widen to see Midoriya there. I backed up a bit but stop as Denki spoke. " It's ok Minoru he just wants to talk."

I wiper a bit as I walk closer to Midoriya. " Minoru I just want to say I'm sorry." I look up at him as he spoke. " What I did was wrong and you where right. I really did need the help. My tharitpist told me I can start back up at school again but I need to say sorry first. I hope you can forgive me and we can try this all again. Because besides me going crazy. I do really like you. And would like to give it a better shot. What do you Minoru?"

I take a deep as I respond to him. " I still need time. I don't mind us trying to be friends again but right now. I don't see us dating. " Midoriya quickly looked down but quickly respond. "That find by me. How about we all have a sleepover in Denki's room tonight. Maybe we can just all chill and get back on track." I smile. I don't really mind that idea. But before anyone could say anything Aizawa spoke up. " Make it in the common room and I'm babysitting you all." Everyone looked at Aizawa surprised before anyone spoke up.

" You got a dill Aizawa!" We all smiled as we quickly rushed to are seats. " Ok class because Midoriya is back just like with what we did with Mineta we will be taking the rest of the day off. So go get the things you need for the sleepover tonight." Everyone eyes widen as we all quickly rush out of the room. This is going to be a fun night. I quickly rush over to Denki and Iida. " Hey guy wanna come with me to get snacks. Mina doesn't know what snacks are considered good." Denki quickly laugh as he responded.

" I don't mind coming along. You Iida?" Iida look at me and sighed." Fine why not. Ay least this time I can get some Heath snacks to go along with it." I smile as I quickly respond. " That's great I'll meet you all down by the school gate." I brush out of the classroom and to my room to change. Once I finish changing I called up my sister. " Hey sis can I get some money for snacks. Where having a sleepover over tonight at UA and I'm in charge of snacks." My sister huffed as she responded.

" Sure thing little brother. I'll be there in 10 minutes." I smile as I quickly respond." Great see you soon!" I quickly rush out my room and to the elevator. I the rush down to the front gate after a few minutes Iida  and Denki walked up. " You ready to go Mineta." I quickly look at him and spoke. " Ya just one minute I'm waiting on my sister." They both nod as my sister pulled up. She quickly handed me 300 bucks." Thx sis!" She smiled as she responded. " No problem little bro. I just told mom I want to go shopping that should cover your snacks."

I smile as she drove off. " Ok you all ready to go. I top to look at them confused. " That's your sister!" I chuckled as I responded." Ya that's her." I sometime forget my sister is a YouTuber. She's well known as well. " Well luck you!" I chuckled as I turn away." Well let's go you two we don't have all day. And we can get pizza on the way back."


I can do this. Me and Mineta are starting over. And I'm not going to mess it up this time. I'll take my time a wait. Me and Mina are sitting down at the common room table. " Hey Midoriya snap out of it. What kinds of games should we play." I quickly look up at Mina and started mublling. " Well we can play two truths one lie, spin the bottle, Simon says,hind and seek,and there's a good hand full more we can play." I was about to continue when Mina spoke up. " Great ideas Deku. I write down hind and seek, truth or dare, and two truths and one lie. That should be enough for the night." I smiled and nod in agreement.

" Hey Midoriya can I ask you a question?" I look at me confused and wait for her questions. " Do you still think about Mineta a lot?" My face deepen a dark red. She quickly started to giggle. " I didn't think Mineta would get stuck in your head so much." I quickly look away as I spoke up. " I'm going to get ready for tonight." I rushed to the elevator and hoped in. My face a deep red. Maybe one day me and Mineta will work out.

A few hours later

It time. Everyone is sitting down an waiting for us to start. " Ok Mina start us off!" Hagakure spoke out. " Ok ok. Mineta Truth of dare?" Why did she start off with me. " Truth." I don't trust her. She seam up with my choice but spoke up anyways. " So Mineta what made you stop following us girls around." Everyone just looked at Mina as if she had just asked the most stupid question. " Mina we a know why that happen can we not talk about that." Iida quickly spoke up. I relaxed as the game went on.

One hour later

" Ok let's play two truths and one lie." Thank you Tokoyumi for changing the game. I don't think I can dill with Denki asking about my sister night. " Ok I'll go first." Iida quickly spoke up. Thank goodness." I have broken one of the school rules before, I have meet Mineta sister and I think she's hot, lastly I know about everyone secrets." Everyone stared at Iida for a minute. " Iida it better be the last one." Iida quickly started to laugh. " Ya it's the last one." I huffed as I look away. " Iida flirt with my sister you get a ball to the faces!"

Iida quickly covered his mouth. I smile as we continue playing.

20 minutes later

Ok it's Denki's turn. I wander what he's going to say. " One my real name isn't Denki." Well I Kno which one is a lie. " Two I know about Yaoyoroza crush." Holy hell he's starting off strong. " And Three. I see Mineta necked and he has a 12 inch dick." My face instantly darken. I'm going to kick his ass later. I look over at Midoriya to notice the huge red tint on his face. " Please tell us it's 3 there's no way Mineta's dick is 12 inches."

I quickly look away as I spoke up. " The first one is a lie ." Midoriya also responded as well. " As Mineta said the first one." Even quickly looked at me. " No way it is!" My face darken at the comment. " Ya it is." Midoriya commented back. Aizawa glared at us before he spoke. " Ok that's enough of that for the night. " Thank you Aizawa. " Fine fine who want to play hide and seek?" I quickly Shoke my head no as everyone else got up. I quickly layed down in my sleeping bag. I'm to tryed for this crap.

Word count 1302

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now