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After class me and Denki quickly went to my room. And when I say quick mean I ran and waited 5 minutes from Denki to show up. Midoriya can't bug me right now. So I only have a small amount of time to talk with him about it. " So Minoru what movie do you want to watch?" I sigh as I quickly spoke up. " Denki this is important. What I'm about to tell you. You can't tell anyone else about it ok!" Denki quickly picked put on what I was saying and sat up. " Ok Minoru what's up?"

I quickly rush around the room and lock everthing. Denki looks kinda freaked out but that's fine for now. " Ok so when I went missing is what I want to talk about." Denki quickly pickup my pillow and pulled it to his chest. " Ok I'm all up for the tea Mineta but why did you have to lock all the doors and windows?" I wiper as I sit next to Denki. " I have a bad feeling is all. And it's a secret that I'm trusting you with Denki." Denki only nodded as he wanted for me to speak.

" Ok so on Saturday I stayed in my room most of the day. But I decided to go check up on Midoriya after 10. And as you know all the school dorm cameras kinda do work doing that time frame." Denki quickly intruded me before I could continue. " So that's why we all thought you went missing on Saturday." I quickly sighed ad I spoke up again. " Yes but I did go missing that day. You see after Aizawa left Midoriya's room to dill with Monoma I had Midoriya let me in. And after that things started to get wired."

Denki looked ay me confused for a minute before speaking. " Are you saying Midoriya kidnapped you wall he was on house arrest? You know that sounds." I quickly spoke up intruding Denki. " Stupid I know. But I did bring my lock picking Cass. And I believe Midoriya used it to take off his house arrest bracelet and lefted it there as he moved me!" Denki quickly started to laugh. "That's just doesn't make sense Minoru. To me I think you got drunk in your room and left the dorm around 10 and didn't show up until you woke up with a hangover."

Of course he isn't going to believe me. I huffed as I yelled at him. " Denki I'm not lieing why do you think I'm avoiding Midoriya or why every time he looks at me I get jumpy." Denki stopped for a minute before he responded. " Maybe because your not straight but bi. I mean I'm bi I like girls and guys. You may have a crush on Midoriya. No wander why you spoke of him in your story." That's it that's it. " Denki he rapped me!" I quickly cover my mouth as I look away. A few tears fell down my check.

Denki didn't respond for a minute. " Your joking right?" I didn't respond. I shouldn't have told him. Not ad if he'll believe me. " Minoru tell me your joking." I quickly pull my pillow away from Denki and push my face into it. I can still feel it. Everthing that happen. It didn't take long for a nock on my door to happen. I quickly froze not knowing what to do or say.

Kaminari (pov)

I quickly open Mineta's room and let in Shinsou. He looked at me confused before speaking up. " So what do you want me to ask him again?" I sighed as I responded.

" I want you to ask him if he was lieing to me about what happened when he went missing. No details please just ask if he was lieing." Shinsou quickly nod before walking over to Minoru. " Hey Mineta." He quickly jumped before responding. " Hitoshi what are you." He stop mid sentence. Ok now it's time to know." Mineta you told Denki what happened when you went missing right." Mineta quickly respond. " Yes I did." A few tears role down his face. Ok I'm considered. " Where you at all lieing about what happened?"

And not to long after he spoke up. " No I wasn't." A few tears feel down his checks again. Oh no. " Ok thank you Shinsou that will be all. " I quickly pushed him out of the room and looked the door back. This can't be real. Mineta quickly snapped back and looked at me. I quickly rush to his side and hug him. Now I know this big secret. What on earth am I going to do now.

Aizawa (pov)

I huffed as Midoriya leaves my classroom. Finally. That child has been a bit of a pain for the past two days. I sigh as I look down at my laptop I got a email. ' dear Shōta Aizawa the pet you have requested will be there within the next two days.' I sigh in relief. Finely Mineta can stop asking me about it. I quickly sit back in my chair. After a few minutes a nock on my door happens. " If your a student go away if not the door is open." After a few minutes Inko walked in. Was she here to see Midoriya or something. " Aizawa wanted to ask you a question." I sigh as I sit up.

"As a teacher I am a blind to assist what is the question Miss Midoriya?" She quickly looked at me and spoke. " Who is Izuku's boyfriend? He keeps talking about him. But I still haven't meet the boy yet." Midoriya has a boyfriend? From what I new he like Uraraka. This is new to me. " Don't know. Though he liked a girl from my class." Inko looked at me comfused before she spoke. " Well I mostly come to ask because Midoriya let him use a pair of his clothes from when he was younger. He said they where in the same class."

My eyes widen. " When did you Midoriya tell you about his boyfriend?!" Please don't tell me it was Saturday." It was on Sunday. He come home visit me and Toshinori." Ok that good.

Midoriya (pov)

Ok that is it. I just seen Denki leaving Minoru's room. When I get my hands on him. You know what. I dill with it later. Right now I need to get Aizawa off my back. Which mean by tomorrow this time I don't have to worry about it. And then I'll have my alone time with my Minoru.

Word count 1100 owo

Love In Chaos (Minoru Mineta X Izuku Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now