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Midoriya (pov)

He's dead. They let him die out there. Katsuki was my best friend. Ya we grew apart after he got his quirk. But that doesn't mean we didn't stop caring about each. I mean ya I hated his new personal he got. It maybe me so angry with him. And they thing he said. They still ring in my head every second of the day. I hear him. " Go take a sworn dive off the roof!" But they want he started to change. " So when you stop making that quirk his and turn it into your own then we'll have a real fight."

I can't help but think of his face. His stupid face. " I'm better then you DEKU!"  If he was so great. Why did I out live him. Me and him where going to fight for who was going to be number one. But I guess Kanchan will never get a chance to do so. Even though Allmight as been my idol for years. Kanchan will always take that top spot. I huffed as the loving and kind memories of my classmates run though my head. " It's your quirk not his!- Thank you Midoriya!" A tear roles down my stand cheek.

I wipered as a nother memory popped up in my head. " Hi there! My name is Ochaco Uraraka. And your Deku right?" I huffed as my emotions for my classmates stilled grow. I want to protect them. But me not being there with them is the best way to do so. Even if it hurts. " Your do many bro!" I huffed as I find myself in a ball on the floor. I can't keep it in. " I told you to call me Sue! Kedo~"; I huffed as everyone of there faces flashed Infront of me.

"Midoriya this is the thred time this week you been late for class. You are lucky Aizawa hasn't come in yet. But next time you fell to be in class on time I will information Aizawa of." Iida was always worry about us learning and being on time for everything. I remember I would come in late after training with Allmight all morning long. And Iida would be there at the door to meet me.  I remember every time Todoroki would talk about how much he hates his quirk. And I would be there to tell him that his quirk is his own.

"I Amore you Midoriya I look up to you. Everthing you doing. Everyone you fighting for. Please don't leave!" Mineta. He may have been a pervert. But he can be a great hero one day. I've seen how smart he can be. He fast thinker. He could probably even our smart me. But I guess even with his personal he was fun to be around. Once you get pass the dirty jokes. I can see what Kaminari hangs out with him. Thinking of Kaminari. He's not as dumb as he looks. Ya he doesn't think everything out but.

"I don't care if I over use my power. As long as my friend are safe!" He's kind caring, and he thinks about his friends first. And I do want to ask him about the way he prestons his quirk. I know I've seen that hand movement somewhere just don't recall where. How I miss them all. I miss hearing Tokoyumi talk about his writing. " Dark as night my soul is not bright. Dark as a memory we wish to seal away. Some will always come out into the light." He was getting ready good at writing those poem's.

I remember training on Wednesday with Ojiro. Even though I am faster then he is. He's a good training partner. Because of him Allmight's training became a bit easier to complete. I remember Sero showing off his moves as he hoped building to building as if he was Petter Parker. He used to talk about his all day sometimes. I smiled as a tear roles down my face. Oh how I miss them all. I miss waking up after a hard day just to hear Shoji made cookies. And as weird as it is. I miss hearing Mineta talking about the girls.

I remember Yaoyoroza would get upset, Sue would slap him, Uraraka would always run and hind behind me, Mina would take it was a compliment yet she would still yell at him for it and I noticed Mineta never did mess with Jirou. I think it's something to do with bro code or something. Why did I have to leave them. It hurts because I know I can't go back. I look down at my arms. I'm still in my uniform. It's covered in blood and dust. It's covered in Kanchan. It's all that remains of him.

The only person I knew scene childhood that stuck around me. Man I miss everyone I miss my classmates, my mom , I miss Allmight.... I miss Kanchan.. am I going to lose them all. Midnight is dead. Kanchan is dead. Any of them could be next. I need to save them I need to keep them safe. That's why I can't go back. Otherwise he would find them. They can harm them. That why I lefted. I need to do this on my own. I huffed as I quickly stood up. I need to find a new place to high out.

I've been here for to long. Can't have anyone finding me. Right now what I'm doing is to important to lose. But where would I go. I can only thing of one place. " Members of the place of Bakugo sound off!" The old hang out. In the wood we built a tree fort. No one new about it. No one but me Kanchan and his old friends. Who no longer leave here. So it should be the best place to go hind out at. But I should start packing first. I quickly wip away the tears on my face as I stood up.

I have a lot of packing to do. I can't leave anything behind. If they don't come back here looking for me. I could use this place again as a hide out. But can't change any. I look around the old room. It was a broken down room. The walls where Dark Ork. The floors a dirty gray. In the corner of the room was a broken down bed. And I. The wall was a few chan's. I found this place a while ago. Most likely a hold hide out of the Villeins. But best if I leave now.

Word count 1105

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