The Job Hunt

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You can play the song now

As I desperately searched for jobs I came up the same every time, empty handed. I had used all my savings to pay my bills this month and if I didn't figure something out. Life would get a hell of a lot worse for me. No one told me this shit would be so hard but I guess that would've been discouraging. Now I'm in it and I can't get out, I was walking along the streets downtown when I came across a bulletin. Apparently, there's this job fair of sorts which isn't uncommon. As I was taking down the information though, something caught my eye. There was said to be some 'big' au pair agency coming to the event. 

I had heard about au pairs before although only from other countries coming TO America. I didn't know you could go from America to... wait that's stupid. Now that I think about it why wouldn't that be possible? I decide I'm going to go to the job fair tomorrow and see if I can find a bite. I walked along some shops just browsing before reluctantly going home. It's not like I had anything else to do so I just showered and tucked into bed. 

next day

I woke up this morning slightly refreshed from going to bed early which I NEVER do. I did all the necessary things to get ready and I dressed a little nicer for the job fair. It wasn't too far so I just chose to walk instead of taking my car. It was damn close to falling apart so I don't like to use it if I don't absolutely have to. As I approached the community center I took a few deep breaths then walked in. The freezing ac engulfed my body causing me to shiver a bit as I got used to it. Luckily I had worn long pants so it wasn't as bad. I walked into the big gym and there were tables lined up in a sort of rectangle. Some places I had worked at before so I tried to avoid them. Of course nothing ever works for me how I intend it to. "Cat?!" I tried to keep walking as if I didn't hear them but then I heard footsteps behind me. 

They tapped my shoulder and I turned around with a puzzled look on my face. "Cat! How are you?" She asked me enthusiastically and it took everything in my not to grimace. "Faith..." I tried sounding enthusiastic, "I'm good how are you?" I asked out of courtesy, but she took it as a complete conversation starter. I stood there for a moment until I faked having to go to the bathroom. She left me be saying she had to get back to her table anyway. I walked over to the au pair table since that's really the only reason I came. Nothing else sparked my interest honestly. I wanted a job that I could enjoy and also make a good amount of money from.

 Plus I wouldn't really have bills if I was living in their house. I also like kids so I've thought this through quite a bit. "Good morning" I said softly grabbing the attention of the attendant at the table. "Oh hi, good morning" she said sitting up a little straighter. She had this look of excitement on her face like I was the first person to come over to her. "I would like an application please..." I said unsure and she chuckled a bit. "Honey you don't need an application you just sign up with me. Then you're a part of the agency and that's when the application starts. Do you have any experience?" She asked calmly and I shook my head with a nervous look on my face. "That's perfectly fine! Don't worry that kinda makes it easier for you. That way instead of sending a resume you can just tell the inquirers about yourself. Then they can get to know you versus just reading over a standard paper" she smiles.

"Are you interested?" She asks hopefully and I nod eagerly. "That's great! We really need people and you seem like a sweet girl. I actually think I have a really good job for you..." she says opening her laptop and typing a bit then clicking the mouse a few times. She motions for me to come behind those table and take the seat next to her. I oblige quickly and she turns the screen towards me so I can read it. It's a really good job and although it says the price is talked about once we talk I'm excited. It's in Australia and I've always wanted to go there so I'm hoping for the best. I thank her and she sends me the 'application' via my email before I leave the job fair, I didn't even glance at any other tables. I feel like this is going to be my favorite job thus far.

I leave the center with a little more pep in my step than before, I have a really good feeling about this. I can't wait to talk to the inquirer, and I just hope she likes me and thinks I'm a fit for the job.

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