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After an eventful week we finally land back home in pure exhaustion. We go straight home to the bed and sleep for most of the day. I loved the vacation but there's nothing like being home. All the familiarity, the smell, the dew on the grass in the morning. The incessant birds that annoy the shit out of me as they peck on a tree near the window.

The background noise of the kids running rampant before we have the chance to reprimand them. Cate makes even the simplest of every day things that can seem monotonous, exciting. "Good morning" I say as she opens her eyes and yawns. "Your morning breath is horrible" I say jokingly but also serious.

"Wow we're married now and all of a sudden you don't like my morning breath" she say acting offended. I just shrug and cling onto her body, she wraps her arms around me and sighs. "You love morning kisses though so I'm confused" she says giggling. "Well yeah I'll tolerate it for affection" I giggle.

Before we can say anything else the door bursts open revealing all the children. "Good morning" they yell making me squint my eyes at the sudden loud noise. "Haven't I told you about knocking?" Cate asks sternly while trying to hold back a laugh. "Sorry" they say in sync, "it's fine darlings, we'll be down to make breakfast soon" she says and I grumble.

"We?" Ignatius asks looking around, I pull an arm from around Cate's waist and put it in the air. "LINA" Edith screams and I hear her little feet padding across the floor before I feel her jump on me. Soon after all the kids follow and almost suffocate me since they're all somehow on top of me. "Woah woah WOAHH" I say struggling to sit up so I don't die of affection.

"We missed you" they say holding onto me tightly. "Wow what am I chopped liver?" Cate pouts and I nudge them to go give her some love. They all move off me and into her, sprinkling kisses all over her face and squeezing her tightly. "Careful what you ask for" I giggle getting up to go to the bathroom.

Cate joins me a minute later and wraps her arms around my waist from behind. "I guess we all just can't get enough of you" she whispers in my ear before kissing my neck. "Yeah yeah" I say muffled before spitting out my toothpaste. "I love you" she says, "I love you more" I say and she just rolls her eyes.

Once breakfast is all done Cate and I wash the dishes together while the kids do god knows what. We finish and just wrap our arms around each other, staring into each others eyes. "Mama can you take us to the park?" Cate and I turn to see the kids standing there with Edith like a representative in the front.

"Sure, which one?" Cate asks with a smile, "the one downtown but uhhh-" Ignatius starts. "Not you mommy" Edith giggles and Cate and I look at her confused. "Lina?" Roman says bringing my attention to him. I furrow my eyebrows and then make an 'oh' face. "So... is that a yes or no?" Iggy asks playfully. "Uh yeah I'll take you" I say happily and they all squeal.

They all run to put their shoes on leaving us standing there. Roman runs back really quick and peaks his head in the doorway. Cate and I are still standing there with our arms around each other and we look at him. "Thanks mom" he says shyly before running off again. I look back to Cate who grins at me giving me a peck on the lips.

I smile back trying not to cry at how sweet that was. "Well I think Roman really likes you" she jokes and I roll my eyes. "They called me mama" I whisper and she nods. "Well we all know you're not mommy so..." she whispers in my ear and hit her arm with a shocked look on my face. "We really are a little family now" I smile, "I told you there was nothing to worry about" she says.

"Mooommmm come onnnnnn" Iggy yells from the door. Cate and I chuckle before she gives me a final kiss. I slip on my shoes and wrangle all the kids in the car as Cate watches from the door. I assume she's going to catch up with work while we're out. She waves as we drive off and blows me a kiss before she's out of view.

I never thought I could be this happy, with my own little family.

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