First FaceTime

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I'll say when to play it

She gave me all the necessary information and told me I could call or stop by to see her any time. She was really caring and so patient with me it made my heart smile. When I got home, I quickly went back through the 'application' before sending an email to the inquirer.

Good morning Miss,

My name is Catalina Watson, I work for Lily's Au Pair agency and I saw your post on the website. I know it'll be super early your time but it's afternoon here so I figured it might be the right time to send it. I read over your requirements, and I sincerely believe I'm fit for the job. Although I don't have professional experience I do have siblings that I often took care of because I am the oldest. In addition to that, I was also pretty good in school which I think will benefit the children. I'm not really sure what else to say if I'm honest, we can definitely arrange a time to talk on the phone. If you consider me for the job, that is. I hope you give me a chance, I would genuinely appreciate the opportunity.


I took a deep breath and pressed send, it sounded too formal to me, but I think they like that. I stripped out of my clothes and laid down to take a nap for a while. I wanted to be awake around the same time as her just in case she responds. I have a really good feeling about this and I think this is going to be a new start for me....

Press play here

3 hours later

That was the best nap of my entire life I'm not joking. I rubbed my eyes a little to get the sleep out and drug my feet into the kitchen. I poured some juice and quickly sucked it down to cure my dry throat. I made my way back to my room and sat down opening my laptop. I felt a bit inspired to write something but when I opened it up that went away quickly. She had responded! That took my attention, and I opened it and read it instantly. 

Good morning Catalina,

I would like to start by saying you have a beautiful name. I do have a few questions for you that I'd like to talk about. If it's not too soon for you could we call today? I'm usually not this rushed but if you wouldn't mind I could explain that all on the phone. I should be free around 6pm my time so 4am your time. Ugh the time difference is such a pain in the ass, I would try to compromise but unfortunately I'm working all day. I hope we can talk today and if not we can reschedule.

With love,

Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. Ok I have to calm down, I'm up late anyways so it won't be a problem. I got so caught up in my rambling thoughts I didn't realize I hadn't responded. 

Good morning Cate,

That's perfect for me since I just took a nap and I'm usually up late anyways. The time difference is a bummer but it's ok although it is a struggle for me to calculate haha. I have to put a clock on my phone that tells me your time just so it's easier. I can't wait to talk to you later! And thank you so much for saying that it's a real compliment!


Ok it's simple and sweet. Send. Alright well now we wait I suppose, I can just write for a bit to pass the time. It's 5 pm now so she should call in... 11 HOURS?! God this is torture but it's fine. I'll write for a bit and then watch a movie. 

11 hours later

I yawn and stretch my limbs as the sound of my phone woke me up. Once I finally found it, it had stopped ringing. I glanced at the time and my eyes widened, HOLY SHIT I MISSED HER CALL. I quickly called back the number and she picked up on the second ring thank god. "I'm so sorry I fell asleep!" I exclaim and I heard a chuckle on the other end. "That's quite alright darling. I'm sorry to wake you" she said softly. Lord her voice is heavenly. "Don't be I said I would be up. I just got... distracted and feel asleep" I said.

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