Night Ninja

550 25 16

CW: slight mention of sh (not graphic)

Catalina's pov

I heard my doorknob jiggle and immediately sat up straight. I'm a light sleeper, no reason to get into that I feel like it's self-explanatory. It stopped and I just stared at the door making sure nothing would happen. I laid back down and then I heard the lock ticking, and I closed my eyes. I laid as still as possible while trying to breathe normally. The door opened softly and I heard feather light footsteps coming towards me. I waited until I could feel the person right over me to flip the covers off. I swung my leg out and took out theirs and when I heard them hit the floor I grabbed my phone. I pinned their neck and flashed the light in their face which earned me a groan. 

"Holy fuck I'm so sorry" I said immediately getting off of her once I realized it was Cate. I stood up and my hands flew to my face as I sat on the bed. I heard a few more groans and footsteps before the light flicked on. It momentarily blinded me until my eyes adjusted to the new brightness. "Remind me to never surprise you" she chuckled and I shook my head. "I'm so sorry... I didn't realize it was you" I said not looking at her. I felt the bed dip beside me but kept my gaze on the floor. "It's ok sweetheart you weren't expecting me and I also unlocked the door so there's no way you could've known. On the bright side at least I know you're a good protector" she chuckled trying to lighten the mood I guess. 

I shrugged and she sighed softly like she wanted to speak. "I'm sorry you feel like you can't talk to me" she said quietly, just above a whisper really. "I'll do anything to gain your trust and respect back" she pleaded. "You never lost my respect Cate, you'll always have that" I replied. She slowly reached for my hand and I allowed her to take it and rest it on her lap."I- ummm" all of a sudden it went quiet and I finally looked up at her. But she wasn't looking at me, at least not my face. I followed her gaze and I mentally slapped myself over and over. How could I be so STUPID?! I looked to her face and I couldn't read it nor did I want to honestly.

 "I'm still really tired" I lied, there was no way I was getting more sleep. "Don't lie to me" she whispered sadly and I could see her tearing up. Why is she crying? "I'm so sorry" she said letting a tear fall down her rosy cheek. "What are you sorry for?" I ask calmly as if I have nooo idea what she's talking about. 

Cate's pov
I should've known. I should've KNOWN. FUCK I should've known. How did I not see it? "Honey I-" she cut me off, "don't" she said and pulled her hand from mine. "Please" I begged my voice shaking but I wanted to be strong for her. She shook her head and I took her chin turning her to face me. I could see the tears beginning to form in her eyes and my heart broke all over again. Worse than I thought humanly possible. "Please" I repeated and she looked down, I pulled her into my side and held her. She wrapped her arms tight around me and sobbed. God damn it!

"Baby I wish I knew what to say... but I can just give it my best try. I won't ask why because if you want, you'll tell me in your own time. What's most important is that you understand I'm not and won't judge you. It just makes me... angry with myself for not being there. I don't like the fact that you were alone with this and- And if you'd feel comfortable, I would like you to try and talk to me. Let me know how you're feeling and when you get urges because I want to be there. I want to help you in any and every way" I express. By this point she's calmed expect for the stray hiccup or shaky exhale.

"Thank you" she replies and I know it has multiple meanings. That's probably all she can say right now and I accept it wholeheartedly. "I can't lose you" I whisper, "I don't want you to lose me" she whispers back. "Do you want to sleep in my bed with me?" I ask her after a few minutes of silence. She hasn't let go and neither have I, I don't ever want to let her go. She nods and I gesture to ask her if I can pick her up. "Yes" she says and I scoop her up in my arms and carry her carefully to my bedroom. I gently lay her down after pulling the covers back and returning them over her. I climb in on the other side and turn to face her laying close but not too close. 

She looks at me and I look at her and she glances down nervously. I open my arms and she scoots into them, I wrap my arms around her and she snuggles into me. I can feel my eyes start to water again but I hold them back. I hear her sniffle and I instinctively tighten my grip on her to make sure she's ok. I feel her relax more and I close my eyes just living in this moment. Her in my arms just feels so right. This is what I want forever...

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