Let Me Help

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Catalina's pov
I must've fell asleep after I got in the room, the bed is so soft almost how I imagine clouds to be. I woke up and the sun was still shining so I guess I didn't sleep that long. I got up and stretched a bit, I went into the bathroom attached to my room and looked in the mirror. I could definitely use a shower... I went back and realized there was a towel and wash cloth on the chair. I grabbed them both not even bothering to worry about who put them there. I pulled out some clothes laying them on the bed and went back to the bathroom. I looked around at the white tiles and light colored decorations. 

It was truly beautiful. I turned on the shower and while it was heating up I stripped out of my clothes. I put some music on and hopped in the shower, it was pretty quick. I had already slept for who knows how long and I didn't want to waste the day. I got out with the towel wrapped around me and went back in the room. I was just about to remove the towel and dry my hair when the door opened. I quickly closed the towel and tilted my head a bit. Cate's head appeared in the doorway and she quickly looked me up and down. It was barely noticeable but I noticed it. 

"Sorry. I knocked for a while... anyway. I'll see you downstairs?" She said nervously and I nodded not being able to say anything right now. She left and I let out a deep breath, I made sure to lock the door before taking off my towel. I dried my hair as best as possible and put on my clothes. I wrapped the towel around my hair once I was down and sat down. I got on my phone for a few minutes and texted my best friend. I updated her on how everything was going leaving out the fact that Cate was THE Cate.

I took the towel off my head and my hair wasn't dripping anymore which is a big plus. I ran my fingers through my brown curls making sure they weren't too tangled. I put a bit of product on them, just enough to moisturize. Then I put my hair into a high messy bun and made my way downstairs. I'm wearing sweats and a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt nothing special. I found my way to the kitchen and Cate was standing over the stove. I could smell something that made me feel warm all over. "Smells delicious" I said and she jumped a bit turning around. "Fuck don't creep up on me like that" she whispered. 

I giggled and sat down at the island folding my arms on the counter. She turned around and grabbed some things putting them into the pot. "Where's-" I started but Edith burst into the kitchen interrupting me. She reached her hands up towards me and I placed her on my lap. She put her back to me and looked at Cate resting her little elbows on the counter. Cate glanced back and when she saw her she smiled sweetly. She mimicked Edith's actions if leaning on the counter and made a funny face at her. Edith giggled uncontrollably and wiggled in my lap a bit. "Can you get your brothers? Dinner's almost ready" Cate said and Edith nodded eagerly hopping off my lap. 

I held her making sure she didn't fall then she ran off. "Do you need any help?" I asked standing up and she shook her head. "It wasn't really a question. More like tell me what to do so I can help" I say and she glances at me. She opens her mouth to what I can only presume is to make a joke but stops. "Go ahead and say it" I said crossing my arms jokingly. She licks her lips and turns to face me completely, she gets really close and my breathing quickens. "You like being told what to do?" She whispers seductively.

"I should've just kept my mouth shut" I say turning away to hide my blushing. I turn back around and she isn't even looking at me anymore. Did I dream that or something? No, that was entirely to real to have been a figment of my imagination. "Set the table" she says pointing at bowls and silverware that are already out. I nod silently and take the things into the connected dining room. I place everything neatly on the table and when I'm done Cate comes in with the pot. Like clockwork the children file in and into seats. Edith and Roman exchange silverware and I make a mental note to remember their seats so I can do it right next time. 

Cate portions out what I assume is chili into each bowl. I realize I'm still standing when Ignatius makes a noise grabbing only my attention. He widens his eyes and nods to an empty seat next to the head of the table. I mouth 'thanks' and sit down as Cate comes to my side and leans over. "You were frozen there for a second" she whispers so only I can hear her. Does this woman see and hear everything? She puts the chili in my bowl then hers and walks back in the kitchen. She comes back and everyone starts eating. "So Catalina" Roman says, "so Roman" I respond and he sighs. 

"I have question" he continues, "and I might have an answer" I reply. "Do you always have to be like that?" he asks. "Is that the question you wanted to ask me? Because you said question singular not questions plural" I teased. "I'm joking. So I guess no I don't always have to 'be like that'" I mocked him. "Seriously though... are you named after the flower?" He asks and takes a spoonful of chili into his mouth. "Actually, I am, not many people know that" I say smiling softly. "I knew it sounded familiar" Ignatius says, "he's just trying to impress you" Roman remarks."Are you sure you're not trying to impress me?" I ask Roman and he blushes a bit before shoveling chili into his mouth.

 "Cat-lina" Edith says and I chuckle at her little mispronunciation. "Yea honey" I say softly, "can you tuck me in tonight?" She asks sweetly and I smile, "whatever you want mija" she tilts her head at me. "It's a term of- well it's something nice" I say to limit her confusion. She shrugs it off and goes back to her food, I can feel Cate looking at me but I won't meet her gaze. I finish my food about the same time as Edith, and I dismiss us both. I give her a bath and tuck her into bed, "can you read me a bedtime story?" She asks quietly and I nod trying to think of one. "Once upon a time there was this beautiful queen. She was in love with a special someone but they had no idea. She knew it was her job to rule the kingdom but she just couldn't get the person out her mind. One day she worked up the guts to tell the person..." I said trailing off. 

I haven't even gotten to that part of the story yet so what the hell do I say? "And then what?" Edith asks, fully engaged and invested in this semi true story. "She had to cross through forests and mountains to get to them. She met many friends along the way, 3 really good ones to be exact. They helped her on her quest to find her one true love... she finally made it there and they were waiting for her. They embraced her with open arms..." I looked down to see Edith fast asleep. I pulled the covers up a little bit so she wouldn't be cold and slipped out her room quietly. I checked on the older kids and once I made sure they were all ok I headed to my room. The day wasn't filled with much, but damn am I exhausted.


I didn't proof read so lmk if there's any bad mistakes and also feel free to tell me how you're liking the story and if you have any requests!

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