Dancing in the Moonlight

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Catalina's pov

She just said she loves me. I have to respond, what do I say?! I love her too; I know I do so why can't I just say it? I just stare into her eyes not realizing I start crying until she starts to wipe the tears of my cheeks and some drip onto my chin. "Don't cry" she whispers as tears begin to fill her eyes, "that's hypocritical of you cause you're crying to" I say reaching up to wipe her tears, my arms with hers. "I'm just really happy" she says, well at least she's not crying cause I didn't say anything back... yet. "I love you too" I whisper, and she smiles softly, "I know" she jokes and I bite her wrist in response. "Kinky" she replies and I remove my hands from her face shaking my head in amusement.

Press play

We ended up swinging high enough for me to jump back to land since it really wasn't that far away. Although I did end up landing on my ass. She laughed at me and despite me trying to keep a straight face I couldn't help but laugh because it was hilarious, and her laugh is contagious. Once the swing slowed down I pulled her in with the rope and helped her off with my free hand, then we walked back to the house under the moonlight. She stopped me halfway and took my hands in hers as I looked around us at the big open space. The property really is magnificent. "Dance with me" she says and I giggle at her spontaneity, "can I put on music?" I ask and she nods waiting as I pick something from my phone.

I have a playlist for everything, and I've even started making one for her, so I figure now is the perfect time to play it and see what she thinks. I put it on shuffle and turn it up to full volume before laying it on the bag I brought with me. The first song that plays is Dame Tu Calor and I smile to myself as I wrap my arms around her neck and her hands find my waist. "This is one of my favorite songs" I say as I look into her eyes, "it's beautiful" she replies staring at me. "Los dos somos perfección, sin ti me muero" I sing to her, "eres tú toda mi luz, quiero tus besos" "me hacen volar... you know Spanish?" I ask her and she shrugs.

(translation: together we're perfection, without you I'd die. you are my light; I want your kisses. They make me fly)

"A little bit, I got an award once and since most of the audience spoke it, I did my speech in Spanish. I learned a bit more on my own just in case for like conversation and stuff, guess it came in handy" she says smirking. "Sorry for before then" I say looking down, "what? calling me a crazy bitch? it's ok" she says chuckling before giving me a kiss. We sway lightly as the instrumental plays, and she twirls me around before picking me up making me wrap my legs around her waist. "Te quiero mostrar, la luna junto a las estrellas" "Mi mundo da vueltas si tú estás... conmigo nomás" something about her singing to me in Spanish is so sexy.

(translation: I want to show you, the moon and the stars. My world is spinning if you are with me)

I've never been with anyone who actually speaks it and speaks it correctly at that, and if I didn't think she was the definition of perfection before... I surely do now. The song comes to an end, and she sets me down as we sway. We just stand, staring into each other's eyes as music plays in the background. I have no idea what's playing anymore because looking into her eyes sends me into orbit, the destination being a universe I hope to explore someday. "You are so beautiful" she says reaching her hand up to push hair out my face. "And you are perfect, mi amor" I reply, I give her a gentle kiss before I pick up my phone and trash off the ground and we head back to the house.

I have no idea what's in store for the future, but I'm going to cherish every moment I have with her like it's my last. 

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