So Close Yet So Far

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Cate's pov
Well now it's just us two and I can actually talk to her but I have no idea what to say. "Are you avoiding me?" Nice job on the defense dumbass "I'm not avoiding you. Not like I could anyway we live in the same house" she said. I mean she has a point... but still. "I suppose that's true but you haven't been talking to me. You've been... distant" I say. She chuckles "me? Distant? Now that's the pot calling the kettle black" she says. "I haven't been distant" I say defensively. "If you're not willing to admit your part in this, then there's no need for a conversation. Listening and understanding are two different things" she says. 

She stands up and shakes her feet off a bit wiping them carefully on the dock. I watch as she slips her shoes on while I try to find words to say to make it better somehow. "Please... I really want to talk to you" I borderline beg. "About what Cate? Me being distant? Go ahead, tell me all about it" she says angrily. "I'm sorry" I sigh and she closes her eyes for a moment before revealing them to me again. "Ok. I accept your apology. Are we done?" She asks, "please just try to listen" I express and I can feel myself start to get agitated. "I want to go back inside" she said before she started to walk away. 

Catalina's pov
Not another word was shared between us until we got back to the house. I proceeded to make my way up the stairs until I heard her voice echo. "I've tried to be nice and considerate, but you're really pissing me off Catalina. Get back here right now! Or I swear..." she trails off and I turn around. The sound of her raised voice almost brings tears to my eyes because I hate when people yell. I shouldn't even say almost because it definitely did. Luckily she couldn't see them because of how far apart we were standing. "Yes" I said quietly so she knew I was listening to her. "A-are you ok?" She asked softly, beginning to approach me. 

Did she sense my change in tone? It couldn't have been that noticeable, right? "Yeah" I said trying to sound calmer than I was. By the time she'd walked to stand in front of me I'd blinked my tears away. "You said you wanted to talk about something" I pushed. "Y- umm yeah. But it can wait" she replied hesitantly, I just nodded. I turned around and she let me walk up the stairs and to my room. I quickly locked the door and slid down on the far wall so she couldn't hear my muffled cries. Why'd I have to be such a little bitch? It's literally not even that serious she just raised her voice. 

I really didn't want her to be mad at me though. It made me feel like shit. My trip down the rabbit hole was abruptly stopped by a soft knock on the door. I immediately ceased my breathing and crying until I let out a shaky breath. I calmed myself down or in other words made myself numb. The doorknob jiggled and then stopped shortly after. Then her voice was heard saying "Catalina... can you open the door please? I want to apologize" ever so softly. "Yeah one sec I'm getting changed" I said calmly and I even surprised myself. I actually decided to change so it wouldn't be obvious I was lying. 

I opened the door after and the look she gave me just... I don't even know how to describe it.

I didn't proofread so if there's any mistakes just lmk and I'll fix them

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