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The next day we set off early to go to my relatives house. I think every one's going to be there since it's August Monday. We take a boat over and a family friend that owns a taxi service drives us to the house. "Thanks Rueben" I say handing him a 20, "you know it's on the house for you" he says. "Take it, buy something nice" I say knowing he'll buy vodka. "Yeah yeah. Tell your papa I said hi" he waved before driving off.

"HEYYYY" I say walking in without knocking since the doors always unlocked. Everyone turns their heads and smiles but looks confused. I mean there is kinda a random white woman in their house. I smell food cooking as usual since my aunt is here. "Hey" my nanny (grandma) says, "hi, I missed you so much" I say hugging her tight. I give my papa a hug before stepping back and taking cate's hand.

"So guys I know you're all probably wondering who this is..." I say. I receive nods and grunts of confusion around the room. My aunt even peeks her head in from around the kitchen. My other aunt, the most judgmental of them all walks out from the back. She looks Cate up and down and I feel her squeeze my hand a little tighter. I squeeze it back telling her not to worry.

"This is my wife, Cate" I say simply waiting for reactions. "Wife?" My papa asks, "yes... we just got married" I tell them. It's silent for a moment making me anxious but I try to hide it. "Why didn't you tell us?" My nanny asks, "I was kinda scared of how you'd react, honestly" I say.

"Oh honey..." she says coming over and hugging me making Cate let go of my hand. She lets go promptly after squeezing the breath out of me. She hugs Cate and she looks at me surprised before wrapping her arms around her. "I just want you to be happy. I don't care who that's with" my nanny says making me smile.

"She cute I guess" my papa says making the room bust out in laughter at his jokester personality. It all runs smoothly after that somehow. We eat, have a few drinks which leads to loads of questions and conversations. We talk until it's dark and then we head out to the beach for the celebration. Music is blasting and drinks are being made at rapid speed.

My aunt sells food, obviously giving it to us for free, while my uncle makes drinks. I have Cate try some sky juice (coconut rum and coconut water basically) and surprisingly she liked it. I can't stand the shit since I tried it as a kid but to each their own I suppose. We play with paintball guns trying to shoot cans off a piece of wood.

We dance all night and then I take her down to the beach for a walk. "I've had a lot of fun today" she says smiling while holding my waist. "Me too. I'm glad you all get along" I say giving her a peck on the lips. After I pull away I realize it's not enough and push my lips hastily against hers. Kissing her under the moonlight while music plays distantly in the background and people yell and laugh is magic at its finest.

I pull away taking a breath and just looking into her eyes dreamily. "I love you" I say smiling, "I love you too, baby" she replies. "We've been looking for you two everywhere!" My cousin yells. "Where the hell did you come from? You weren't even at the house" I yell back with my arms still wrapped around Cate.

"Well yeah dumbass i was at a friends" he says, "sure a 'friends' OJ" I say back. "Oh fuck off. They wanna do a dance or something so come back" he says before running off. Cate and I chuckle before walking back, hearing the music progressively get louder. I walk over to my papa and ask him what's going on. He just points to the dance floor/bar and I walk over, Cate and I's hands intertwined.

"OHHHHH HERE COME THE LOVEBIRDS" the MC announces and I shake my head shyly. Some people turn while others are too drunk to care. They start playing a slower song and some people leave the floor while the couples stay and a few kids. "DON'T BE SHY! DANCE" he yells and I roll my eyes taking Cate in my embrace.

"If we don't he's just gonna keep yelling" I say close to her ear so she can hear me. I feel her smile as she wraps her arms tight around me and sways us side to side. I love the feel of her body pressed against mine, it's the best feeling in the world. Once the long night is over we go back to the house to sleep.

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