Time to Go

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Catalina's pov

Those 3 days went by faster than I could blink. They were filled with kisses and walks and so much more. I fall deeper in love with her each day and knowing that she has to leave today is killing me. I don't want her to go but I know she has to, it's her job after all and I know she loves it just as much as I love watching. I reluctantly pull myself out the bed, she's already up checking on last minute things. It was hectic helping her pack because she has so many clothes and she needed 3 weeks' worth of everything. I decided to make her a small breakfast with tea since she probably wouldn't have time to eat anything big. 

Once that was done I went up to her office to check on her and give her the breakfast. I knocked and I didn't get an answer so I cracked the door open to see her furiously typing on her computer. "Goood morning" I said giggling at her face, she looked up and smiled softly at me. Abandoning her computer she reached her arms out and motioned me over with her fingers. I came over and sat in her lap while she ate her breakfast just staring at her and hugging her tight since I wouldn't be able to for a while. Once she finished she had some tea and turned to me looking into my eyes before giving me a passionate kiss.

"I was trying to get them to change their minds about letting me bring you but they still said no" she pouts. "Don't worry about it I'll be fine" I say trying to convince myself as well as her. "Just remember to eat, and that you can call me whenever. I'll stop shooting for you I promise, if you need me don't hesitate to call. I'm going to miss you dearly" she says sadly, wrapping her arms tighter around me. "I will" I say knowing full well I won't call her and I think she knows that too because she rolls her eyes. "Well it's time for me to go" she says after getting a tet from Jeremy, "ok" I say trying not to cry. 

"Jeremy will still be around if you want to go somewhere, I was going to have him stay with you but I don't know if would want that" she says questioningly. "No it's fine, I'd rather be alone no offense love Jeremy" I say and she chuckles. I get off her lap so she can stand up and we walk downstairs where Jeremy is waiting to take her bags. While he loads the car she turns to me and sighs, I look up at her and give a sad smile. She hugs me one last time before she's off, I close the door taking a deep breath and looking out the window as she drives off. I'm definitely going to have a hard time without her here, but I don't want her to feel bad. 

I fix myself a little snack determined to eat while she's gone because I know she'll know if I haven't and she'll feel bad. Afterwards I go watch a few of her movies while laying in her bed because what else am I supposed to do. I don't feel like going out, at least not today. I end up just falling asleep hugging her pillow and inhaling her scent that's leftover. 

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