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For our honeymoon we decided on going to the Bahamas. I was really excited because I would get to show her where my family lived. Technically it's my grandpa's family considering he married my grandma and such but who cares?

We just landed and I'm already jumping with excitement but Cate seems tired. So we go to the hotel and I let her rest while I make plans with my family for them to meet her. What I didn't think about was how my family would react. I didn't exactly tell them I liked women or that I was dating let alone married a woman.

My grandma is a lot better than my mom as far as open-mindedness so I think I'll be good. My grandpa is the wild card and lucky for me they're visiting right now too. I can't wait to see them though! Cate FINALLY awakens from her slumber and I run over to give her a bunch of kisses.

She chuckles raspily and pulls me tighter into her body. I pull her out the bed and make her get dressed so we can go. I can't really see them until tomorrow since they took the boat home since they live on another island. So today I decided to take her to one of my favorite restaurants, Nassau stadium.

I greeted everyone warmly and sat in a both by the front window. This reminds me so much of my childhood and the smells just push endorphins at such a rapid pace. "Hi, what can I get for you?" The kind woman asks and without looking at the menu I order. "The chicken souse with johnny cake, please" I say and she nods while smiling.

"And for you, miss?" She looks over at Cate and she stares at the menu confused for a moment. "Umm is the fish stew good?" She asks both of us making me giggle. "Everything is good but I think you should try the chicken souse first" I say honestly. "I'll have that then" cate says, "and tea for both of us" I say, the waitress nods before going to put in the order.

"You seem really at home here" she mentions reaching her hand across the table and holding mine firmly. "I am... I mean we didn't visit that often but I really love it here. My grandparents said they might build a house here one day and then I can visit more" I recall smiling widely.

"I'm glad you're happy, my love" she remarks, "I'm happy anywhere you are" I flirt and she rolls her eyes playfully. The woman soon comes back with the food and drinks, nodding politely before leaving.

I watch as Cate takes the first bite/sip and her facial expression changes rapidly

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I watch as Cate takes the first bite/sip and her facial expression changes rapidly.

"I wasn't expecting that. It's good" she smiles raising her spoon for another taste. "You didn't expect it to be good?" I giggle eating some as well before taking a sip of my tea. "'No, I did. It has a little kick to it that surprised me" she explains. "Oh yeah they can make it hotter too. My grandpa once put 10 peppers in his and it was so good" I say closing my eyes and reminiscing.

"Ouhhh spicy girl" she jokes making me hit her hand lightly. We finish our food while having light conversation and small fits of laughter about everything. Once we leave there I drive her around town to see some houses and where some of my family lives. As we were driving by one I saw my uncle come out and I stopped.

I rolled the window down and yelled his name, "BRIAN" I screamed. He turned his head quickly and mean mugged me before he walked to the car slowly. Once he was close enough and recognized me he smiled widely. I parked the car, yes in the middle of the street, and hopped out to hug him. "Well hey" he said hugging me back before we both let go.

"What's up? How you been?" I asked him and we talked for a bit before he realized Cate was in the car. "Who's the pretty woman?" He said leaning down a bit to look at her better. "Hey eyes and hands to yourself, mister. That's my wife" I say sternly but jokingly. "Oh..." he says looking at me surprised and looking back at her.

"Damn you caught a good one" he finally says making me giggle. "I really did..." i say looking back at her and making her blush. "Well I gotta go but you're coming to the house tomorrow, right?" I ask, "I wasn't planning on-" he starts but I cut him off. "Right?" I ask again with puppy dog eyes, "yeah I'm coming over tomorrow" he says.

"Great I'll see you then" I grin getting back in the car. "You guys need a ride over there?" He asks leaning into the window. "As much as I love you... there's no way I'm letting you drive us over. You were literally totaled your last boat" I remind him. (Can a boat be totaled?) "Ouch, fair enough" he says backing away and I chuckle before saying goodbye and driving of.

Cate holding my hand the entire way.

I don't feel really good about this one but I literally feel like I've neglected this story so much 🥲

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