What's that Sound?

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It's about a week since she's been gone and I've actually been doing pretty well. I clean when I get super bored and I'm keeping up with my eating. We FaceTime every night even though I can tell she's exhausted most days but I mostly just ask about her day and we exchange I love you's and I miss you's and go to bed. I enjoy our calls though, just seeing her face and hearing her voice makes this a bit easier. It makes it feel like normal expect for the fact that I can't touch her. I had to go out to get food today, we bought a lot of frozen stuff and canned goods, but I wanted more real food so I'm going out to buy meat and veggies. 

Jeremy went in the store with me and I invited him over for dinner since it was going to be a lot for just me. I've never been able to just make food for one, I have a big family so it's just not instilled in me but there's always someone to eat it so I guess it's fine. It didn't take long to cook and Jeremy said he really loved it and appreciated me for inviting him to eat. We said our goodbyes and he went home, I went up to bed and just laid there staring at the ceiling until Cate calls. When she finally called I practically jumped at the phone and answered her. "Hi darling" she replied a little less tired than usual, "Hi mi amor, was today a short day" I asked her. 

"Yeah we wrapped up after about 5 hours, we only did a few scenes because the other lead actress was off today" she replies. "That's good... how are you?" I ask, "better now that I can talk to you, I miss you so much baby" she pouts. "I miss you too, at least we can call" I say trying to find a silver lining. "True. How have you been? Have you been eating?" she asks sternly but softly, "yes, I promise. You can even ask Jeremy, we went shopping today and he stayed for dinner so he's my witness" I joke and she chuckles while shaking her head. I heard something downstairs and turned my head to the door. 

"What is it?" Cate asked confused, "nothing I just thought I heard something" I say shaking my head and turning my attention back to her. "Oh ok. Well I have I have to get to sleep since we're starting early tomorrow to get in the scenes we couldn't today" she says. "Ok baby, I love you" I reply, "I love you too" she says before kissing the camera and I return it. We wave goodbye and then I hang up the phone laying back on the bed smiling a bit. Now I can finally go to sleep, I just needed to talk to her first. As I begin to drift off I hear something again and it might just be my paranoia but I have to check it or else I won't get any sleep.

Cate's pov

Today was such a long day but I felt so much better now that I talked to Catalina. She always makes my days better and feel just a bit shorter, plus talking to her right before bed helps me sleep. I'm so worried about her all in the house alone, I don't even like staying there alone. I try to check on her throughout the day but even if I can't I always call her at night to make sure she's safe. I love seeing her smile every time she answers the phone. I don't think she knows just how much I love her, I bought the ring the other day and I'm just waiting for the right time to propose to her. It hasn't been long but that's no matter.

I'm just afraid because everything went so fast with Andrew and I too. I just have to keep reminding myself that she's not him and never will be. She makes me happier than I ever thought possible. She's like my princess charming and I'm just so happy I'm finally getting my happy ending. Though I like to think of it more as a beginning.

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